Foriegn Policy

  • Thesis

    While the US is considered a world power, the US fluctuates between being highly isolationist, and being involved in world affairs and public policy, and always falls back to being isolationist
  • US invades Nicaragua

    US invades Nicaragua
    This shows America being a "world power" and filling in the white man's burden of taking care of the "savage" peoples. This was part of the "Banana wars"
  • Sussex pledge

    Sussex pledge
    this is one of the first acts of foriegn policy during world war 1 in america, due to Wilson being an isolationist and not wanting to get involved with the war
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    After the US joins the war, they become involved in much more foreign policy, and are considered a world power after the fact
  • Wilson's 14 points adress

    Wilson's 14 points adress
    the 14 points consisted of several foreign policy acts, and the first 5 were included in the treaty, even more so turning us into a world power after formally being isolationist
  • Creation of the League of Nations

    Creation of the League of Nations
    In the league of nations, mostly created by the "big 4": America, France, England, and Italy. This title shows that America has a large foreign power, and has a large part in foreign policy
  • Inauguration of warren Harding

    Inauguration of warren Harding
    Warren Harding's election started the beginning of an isolationist era, due to Harding hating foreign policy, and wanting to stay isolated
  • Washington Disarmament conference

    Washington Disarmament conference
    The 5 power treaty caused the worlds to disarm their navies, and the 4 power treaty replaced the Anglo-Japanese treaty and preserved the status quo
  • Inaguration of Calvin Coolidge

    Inaguration of Calvin Coolidge
    Calvin continued the trend of isolationism, with the exception of Latin america and the Caribbeans
  • Creation of the Kellogg-Briand pact

    Creation of the Kellogg-Briand pact
    The creation of the Briand pact made war illegal, and although it was not very well enforced, it show's america not willing to be involved in any more war by getting rid of it alltogether
  • Inauguration of President Hoover

    Inauguration of President Hoover
    President hoover was the first president since world war 1 to participate in foreign policy
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    Due to the beginning of the great depression, America became more isolated than ever due to the lack of money to help other countries, and the desire to get the country back to where it was orginially
  • Japan attacks China

    Japan attacks China
    due to japan attacking china, which directly violated the league of nations, America refused to recognize any territory japan had conquered
  • Hoover removes troops from Nicaragua and Haiti

    Hoover removes troops from Nicaragua and Haiti
    The removal of troops from Nicaragua and hati was a preface to the "good neighbor policy"
  • Creation of the Good Neighbor policy

    Creation of the Good Neighbor policy
    This policy was essentially a Monroe doctrine, stating that America would not intervene with Latin american countries
  • Creation of neutrality acts

    Creation of neutrality acts
    The neutrality acts were created to keep america out of war, allowing america to stay isolationist
  • Attack of Pearl harbor, America joins the war

    Attack of Pearl harbor, America joins the war
    Due to Pearl harbor being attacked, America joins WWII, and fall back into foreign intervention and are no longer isolationist