Forest Gump Timeline

  • The Klu Klux Klan

    The Klu Klux Klan
    In the movie Forrest Gump that his mother named him after Civil war hero,Nathan Bedford Forrest. This man was founded the kkk during the 1800s.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    In the movie Forest Gump Elvis Presley comes to stay at the Boarding Home that the Gump's run. Young Forrest dances in a odd way. This eventually inspires Elvis to find new similar dance moves. Elvis was one of the greatest revolutions of Rock n Roll and Pop culture.
  • Period: to


    Forrest Gump enters the military where he is sent to the front line in Vietnam. The Vietnam War was one of the most controversial armed conflicts during the 20th century. Many people were against the war. Many of the soliders returned home only to be called by protesters "baby killers"
  • JFK

    Forrest and the All-American team meet JFK. Forrest Gump became a local legend by being the fastest runner for his college football team (University of Alabama)
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    Forrest was at the University of Alabama this day. George Wallace was the governor of Alabama he was known for his resistance against racial segregation. Brown v. Board of education is ruled that laws that segregated facilties were unconstitutional.The University of Alabama then had to segregate.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    This was a group believed in equal rights for African Americans and white people. This group started in 1966 and ended in 1982. This group expressed their desire for equal rights through a military posture. In the movie Jenny takes Forrest to meet her friends she is now hanging out with which turns out to be the Black Panther ogranization.
  • Forrest wins medal of honor, Armstrong step foot on the moon

    Forrest wins medal of honor, Armstrong step foot on the moon
    Forrest Gump recieves the medal of honor for his heroic feats at the war. The same year, America achieves the milestone of being the first nation to send astrounaunts to the moon.
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    The Hippie Movement

    When Jenny leaves Forrest, he finds her associating with the Hippie Culture in the Vietnam War. During the late 1960's hippie culture came about in the youth population. They were against the Vietnam War. In the movie Forrest was about to give a speech on the war, when the speaker system messed up.
  • PIng Pong Diplomacy

    PIng Pong Diplomacy
    Forrest Gump joined the Ping Pong team beacuse he was naturally good. Not only that this was an effort by the U.S government to start better dimplomatic relations with communistic China. Nixon called this " Ping Pong Diplomacy" where a mutual sport can achieve mutual respect.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal was figured out by Forrest Gump( not really) This scandal leads to Nixon's resignation, the presidency of Gerald Ford and the changing of executive privilege. The scandal also brought hate towards the republican party. President Jimmy Carter was president 5 years later.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Forrest was on his shrimping boat and it greatly helped his shrimping business making him a millionare. This hurricane was the most intense tropical cyclone of 1974 atlantic hurricane season.During the hurricane it destroyed most of the coast.
  • Forrest invest in Apple Computers

    Forrest invest in Apple Computers
    Lietenant Dan was the one who really invested in the apple company. Forrest didn't have to worry about money anymore. This scene demonstrates the changing times in the 70's, soon the Apple Mac was made. The making of this computer lead to further leads to technology ,today such as internet, pictures and video games.
  • Forrest runs around the country

    Forrest runs around the country
    Forrest demonstrates how taking a "simple" run can change things. He made history with his quote " stuff happens" and the smiley face shirt. Today such demonstrations are held to raise awareness for certain charity and events.
  • John Lennon Interview

    John Lennon Interview
    John Lennon was a famous beattles singer was shot on this date and killed by Mark David Chapman. Lennon's critisim was so harsh against the Nixon adminisitration that they tried to have him deported back to England.
  • Outbreak of HIV/AIDS

    Outbreak of HIV/AIDS
    Jenny ends up getting HIV retrovirus, resulting in AIDS. The outbreak of this disease during the 80's cause a lot of tragedy. The out break of AIDS is related to how the Swine Flu scare was around. However, AIDS are still around today.