Forest Gump Timeline

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    America tried to stop the expansion of communism in vietnam
  • the rise of the kkk

    the rise of the kkk
    The Ku Klux Klan reached a peak of over 10,000 members in 1960. They believed in white supremacy and were an anti-catholic group.
  • Desegregation of University of Alabama

    Desegregation of University of Alabama
    Vivian Malone and James Hood were the first two black students to enroll at Alabama University. Malone was the fist black student to graduate from Alabama University.
  • John F Kennedy Assassination

    John F Kennedy Assassination
    President John F Kennedy was shot.
  • black panther party

    black panther party
    Against police brutality. Made programs for health care and the free breakfast for kids.
  • Robert Kennedy Assassination

    Robert Kennedy Assassination
    Robert Kennedy was assassinated. he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon, america beat Russia to the moon
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate scandal was Nixon's reelection campaign president was caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents.
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    Nixon resigns because of backlash from the watergate scandal and Ford becomes president
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen was a category 4 hurricane that destroyed lots of businesses and homes along Louisiana and Texas
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    HIV discovered after breakout in gay men
  • president Reagen escaped death

    president Reagen escaped death
    Attempted assassination of president Reagen