forest gump project

  • cuban revolution

    cuban revolution
    Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar took power following a September 1933 officer coup. Later he was elected president in 1940 but voted out of office in 1944.
  • France in world war 2

    France in world war 2
    French PM Daladier resigns his post after the failure to save Finland.
  • The Invasion of France

    The Invasion of France
    May 10, 1940 Germany begins invasions of Belgium, the Netherlands, and France
    May 13 French and British troops move into Belgium but are trapped between German armies
    May 14 Luftwaffe bombs central Rotterdam; Netherlands surrenders to Germany
    May 27 British troops begin mass evacuation from Dunkirk
  • flag day

    flag day
    Despite opposition from isolationists, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease act to provide aid to Great Britain.
  • Old Republic and New State: 1889-1945

    Old Republic and New State: 1889-1945
    The first five years of the republic are a military dictatorship, but in 1894 Brazil's first civilian president is elected. For the next four decades the presidency.
  • korean war

    korean war
    Cold war conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces on Korean Peninsula. North Korean communists invade South Korea (June 25, 1950).
  • Vietnam War:

    Vietnam War:
    the Gulf of Tonkin and Escalation, 1964. In early August 1964, two U.S. destroyers stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam radioed that they had been fired upon by North Vietnamese forces.
  • The Ethiopia-Somalia War

    The Ethiopia-Somalia War
    After 20 months of occupation in Somalia, Ethiopian prime minister told the Financial times that he will withdraw his troops from Somalia, even if the Somali Transitional Federal Government is capiable of handling the security in Somalia or not.
  • Minister for Transport L. Burgin 28 May 37 - 21 Apr 39

    Foreign policy and appeasement dominated the Cabinet. As the prospect of war grew, Neville Chamberlain's Conservative government was heavily criticised. The Phoney War and the humiliating defeat in Norway ended the Conservative-dominated National Government in favour of a coalition under Churchill. There was no election due to the Second World War.
  • emma's war

    emma's war
    Emma McCune’s passion for Africa, her unstinting commitment to the children of Sudan, and her youthful beauty and glamour set her apart from other relief workers from the moment she arrived in southern Sudan. But no one was prepared for her decision to marry a local warlord—a man who seemed to embody everything she was working against—and to throw herself into his violent quest to take over southern Sudan’s rebel movement.
  • Kargil War

    Kargil War
    ] was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in the Kargil district of Kashmir and elsewhere along the Line of Control.