Hume II used bloodstain evidence from a crime scene. Important because this is how dna was collected.
French Royal Academy of Medicine showed work of blood stain deteching, which is important because its dna being analyised in the medical field.
hematin crystals were created by Teichman to also use towards dna. Important because this is how dna showed any evidence.
The "Antozone" test was invented to test blood and peroxide together. Important because this was a way of analzing the dna.
Schönbein found a technique which tells the prsence of blood, even when it has been washed. IMportant because this a way of deteching blood stains or blood stains that were once on something.
Ernst Heinrich Häckel discovers heredity info comes from the nucleus cell. Important because its generic info of the dna.
"Nuclein" is isolated from white cells, also now known as DNA, by Miescher. Important because this is how dna is deteched.
The first centrifuge is invented by Carl de Laval. Important because this is what separted different dnas, and how dnas were mixtured.
Dr. Paul Uhlenhuth uses the Precipitin Test, which is protein used to separate human blood from animal blood. Important because its separating two different dnas.
Lattes was the first criminal reporter to have a case where blood groups werent the same. Important because this is the first case of blood work not being the same.
Alexander Weiner uses an absorption-inhibition test to detech blood from dried blood. IMportant because this is how dna can be found even if its dried up,
Walter Specht discovers that a chemical can glow in the dark when in contact with blood. Imporant because this is another way how dna is deteched.
Landsteiner and Weiner discover the Rh blood group system. Important because its another way of analyzing dna.
Barr and Bertram separate cell nuclei from male and female. Important because you can be able to tell which dna is male and which is female.
Watson and Crick tell about the molecular structure of DNA. Important because this is how the dna structure gets drawn out.