Orfila published on detection of poisons. Became known as "Father of forensic toxicology"
Bertillion developed system of anthropometry
“A Study in Scarlet” a Sherlock Holmes novel was published which raised interest in forensics
Scheele develops test fro arsenic poison in corpses
Galton published a book "Finger Prints"
Landsteiner discovered blood could be grouped into types
Osborn published “Questioned Documents”
Locard began a rudimentary police laboratory which led to forming the Institute of Criminalistics
Victor Balthazard publishes his belief that each fired bullet carries unique marks
John Larson invented the Lie Detection
Vollmer created the oldest forensic lab in the U.S.
John Glaister publishes his landmark book on hair analysis
FBI organized a forensics lab under directorship of President J. Edgar Hoover
Indiana State Police Captain R.F. Borkenstein develops the breathalyzer
Detection of gunshot residue by SEM/EDS is developed
FBI’s Forensic Science Research and Training Center opened
Jeffreys developed the first DNA profiling test
First United States use of DNA for a conviction in the Florida case of Tommy Lee Andrews
Face Detection software makes identifying criminals easier
Technology speeds up DNA profiling time from six to eight weeks to one to two days