Foreign policy 1900-1925

  • 1901- Platt Amendment

    1901- Platt Amendment
    The United States would end its military occupation of Cuba. Cuba had to agree to eight conditions before the withdrawal of the United States forces. They could not have other foreign powers to use their island for military purposes. The United States also wanted them to improve their sanitation on the island. Involved- Cuba & United States
    Outcome- Made into an amendment.
  • 1902- Drago Doctrine

    1902- Drago Doctrine
    Law that other countries can’t use its military force against another country to collect debts. This rejected categorically the right of military intervention. The IMF had emergency loans when a country lacked on its obligations. It was enunciated on December 29, 1902. Involved- Argentine Minister of foreign affairs Luis Maria Drago
    Outcome- This law was passed.
  • 1911- Mexican Revolution

    1911- Mexican Revolution
    Thousands of refugees flee to the United States. Mexican immigrants wanted a increase in growth. Here in the United States we have better opportunities than they did over in Mexico. At that time Mexicans were going through a tough time trying to support their families so they had no other option to find other work. Involved- Mexico and The United States
    Outcome- Mexico changed the country’s social system
  • 1903- Hay-Herbert Treaty

    1903- Hay-Herbert Treaty
    Debate over the Alaska boundary dispute between the US and Canada. The dispute was between Russia and Britain but Canada gave it to the US. The United States controlled Canada’s foreign relations. Involved- Canada, United States, Britain and, Russia.
    Outcome- Alaska became 1/50 states.
  • 1903- Big Stick Diplomacy

    1903- Big Stick Diplomacy
    “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” This is what our President at the time Theodore Roosevelt said. This means try to want peace, but at the same time act tough and don’t show weakness. He was talking about Latin American and european countries. He wants to police the small debtor nations that had unstable governments. Involved- Latin America and other foreign countries.
    Outcome- Protect our citizens.
  • 1906- Algeciras Conference

    1906- Algeciras Conference
    Meeting held at Algeciras, Spain to talk about France’s relationship to the government of Morocco. The German Empire wanted to prevent France from establishing a protectorate over Morocco. Germany wanted to put an end to the rivalry between Britain and France. This would further isolate Germany in European affairs. Involved- Germany, Britain and, France
    Outcome- Lasted January 16- April 7, 1906
  • 1908- Arbitration Treaty

    1908- Arbitration Treaty
    Provision for future disputes. United States negotiates attribution treaties with 25 countries but not Germany. This was the aftermath of WWI. The main reason for the conclusion of that treaty was the fact that the U.S. Senate did not ratify the multilateral peace treaty signed in Versailles. Involved- Germany, United States, Great Britain, France, Russia and, Japan.
    Outcome- Bombing on Japan.
  • 1914- Veracruz Incident

    1914- Veracruz Incident
    This was a standoff between the United States and the Mexican military officer Victoriano Huerta. This battle lasted for about 7 months. President Woodrow Wilson sent a fleet to the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico suffered from 200 casualties. Involved- The United States and, Mexico
    Outcome- Mexican Revolution
  • 1916- Pancho Villa raid into the US

    1916- Pancho Villa raid into the US
    Mexican guerrillas with their leader Francisco Villa, crossed the Mexican/U.S border and attacked a small town Columbus, New Mexico. When they about 17 americans were killed. President Woodrow WIlson order our army to capture Francisco Villa dead or alive. We sent 6,000 American troops to capture him. Involved- Mexico and United States
    Outcome- Francisco Villa was assassinated
  • 1917- Wilsonianism

    1917- Wilsonianism
    Wilsonianism was President Woodrow Wilson’s idea to create world peace if put into effect. This would end the causes of war and try and build a world organized military. The US invented the league of nations but the congress wanted to stay isolated. 14 points were the principles for peace to end WWI. Involved- The world
    Outcome- It didn’t happen
  • 1917- Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany wanted an alliance with Mexico. Germany did this because the United States entered the war against Germany. The United States military has a far stronger military than Mexico. The United States still wanted a military invasion of Veracruz. Involved- Germany, United States and, Mexico
    Outcome- WWI
  • 1917-US declares war on Germany and Austria

    1917-US declares war on Germany and Austria
    The sinking of american merchant ships caused this war. 5 of these merchant ships went down in March. We entered the war after they destroyed our ships. Germany didn’t respect our wishes to be an independent country. Involved- United States, Germany and Austria
    Outcome- WWI
  • 1918- 14 points

    1918- 14 points
    The 14 points were principles of peace. This was used to help end the war. Europeans liked the idea of teh 14 points. President Woodrow Wilson made the 14 points as a peace program. Involved- Everyone in WWI
    Outcome- Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
  • 1918- Big Four

    1918- Big Four
    The Big Four would talk about a peace treaty. They were British Prime Minister David Lloyd George ,President Woodrow Wilson of the United States, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and Premier Vittorio Orlando of Italy. All of these people meet at French Foreign Ministry. This is really important to all our contries.
    Involved- Brittan, United States, France, and Italy
    Outcome- Treaty
  • 1922- Washington naval Conference

    1922- Washington naval Conference
    The Washington naval conference was a military confrence called by the president. The US, Japan, China, France, Britian, Beguim, Italy, Portugal, and Netherlands all attdndind this. It included the Four-Power treaty, Five-Power treaty, and Nine-Power treaty. All of these powers were small meetings. Involved- US, Japan, China, France, Britian, Beguim, Italy, Portugal, and Netherlands.
    Outcome- Disarmament program