Recent Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer and Elk Committee Meetings *For educational use only*
By jameszahorik
Conference Call
An antlerless only season would run during all deer seasons occurring after the close of the muzzleloader season, trying to decrease the herd of those deer. A four day antlerless hunt during each week of early and late bow season was also passed. Property owners may also get tax breaks, tax deductions, or flat fee deductions if they participate in access programs. -
Portage County Public Library, Stevens Point
There were 29% new women hunters, a rise in bow hunting, and a drop in gun hunting participation. Hunters did not understand how the new paper tags work, since there was only a 50% compliance rate. The DNR is discussing new methods of getting deer surveys by encouraging DMAP cooperators to partner with them in research. -
Grand Lodge Waterpark Resort, Rothschild, WI
There were several resolutions advanced during the Deer and Elk Advisory Committee meeting. They passed making deer licenses either sex for seniors over 65, allowed white deer to be harvested in Winnebago County, limited the number of gun deer hunters in some state parks, banned sale and use of deer scents, dips, and licks in Wisconsin, and made fluorescent yellow another color that can be work during the gun deer season. -
Mead Wildlife Area Visitors Center
Order of business: Grand lodge waterpark resort in Wausau WI Meeting called by: Mike Riggle Restoring deer tagging requirements in 22 counties- Having a tag on a carcass gives wardens a tool to enforce laws All members passed expect vice chair Hovath who reported on deer agriculture damage a question from Marlin Laidlaw -
Grand Lodge Waterpark Resort, Rothschild, WI
Order of business: mead wildlife area visitors center Meeting called by: Mike Riggle Discussed deer farming and possible solutions including genetics Tony Grabski discusses District Leadership Committee of committee forwarding resolutions and recommendations with the committee approval