Food Timeline

  • 9000 BCE

    Development of Agriculture

    This was the start of cultivation, growing plants and farming. In the 1980's the worldwide food systems started. This means people started looking at food and planning out systems to grow healthier food, and keep the food growing.
  • 8000 BCE

    Bread was invented

    In Egypt bread was first invented and made. It was made from water and coarsely crushed grain.
  • 8000 BCE

    Milk was discovered

    Humans discovered they could drink mammals milk in about 8000 BCE. It is thought to be discovered as the humans saw their animals getting live fed.
  • 7500 BCE

    Fertile Cresent

    The Fertile Crescent is a area of land, boomerang shaped which had fertile soil ideal for growing plants. This area is where agriculture, farming and civilisation started.
  • 6600 BCE

    Sheep were farmed

    Between 6500BCE and 6700BCE sheep started to be farmed.
  • 6000 BCE

    Domestication of Animals

    This is about when animals started to get domesticated.
  • 130 BCE

    The Silk Road

    The silk road is a network of paths used by sellers and traders located in China, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and Western Europe and connects the all. The Silk Road lengthened to about 6,437km's with people of all cultures using it. A famous travel named Marco Polo, traveled to China with his father at 17. They travelled for 3 years.
  • Cheese was made

    The first cheddar was made in about 4000 BCE.
  • Humans started eating meat

    Humans started eating meat around 9300BCE