Foods (cropped)

Food Development from 19th-20th Century

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    1830s America

    During this time a couple item of food consisted of corn, beans, preserved food, roast turkey, vegetables, and boiled ham. Facts:
    Indian Removal Act
    William Lloyd Garrison began publishing The Liberator
    Slave rebellion by Nate Turner
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    The Gilded Age

    Food during The Gilded Age consisted of oysters, clear soup, fish, poultry, sweetbread, turtle, various vegetables, sweets, cheeses, fruits, and coffee. Facts:
    Rockefeller incorporated standard oil.
    Railroad Strike of 1877.
    Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone.
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    America in the 1910s

    Food during this time consisted of corned beef hash, sandwiches, canned food, shrimp, potato coup, canned fruit, fruit preserves, sherbet, and vichyssoise. Facts:
    Nabisco made the first Oreo cookie.
    Henry Ford opened the first automobile assembly line.
    Treaty of Versailles was signed.
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    1950s America

    Food during this time consisted of frozen dinners, meatloaf, deviled eggs, tuna noodle casserole, baked alaska, and gelatin based dishes/salads. Facts:
    Korean War begins
    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Launch of Soviet Satellite "Sputnik"
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    1990s America

    Food during this time consisted of hot pockets, lunchables, SlimFast, and fast food. Facts:
    Hubble Space Telescope launched during a Space Shuttle Discovery mission.
    Bill Clinton became the 42nd president.
    The World Wide Web publicly debuts as an Internet Service.