Florence Green

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    Beginning life of Florence Green

    Florence Green was born on February 19, 1901. She was born in London England. She had a normal life growing up. When she turned 19 in 1920 she moved to King's Lynn. She moved there after she married Walter. He was a Railroad worker.
  • Spark of WWI

    WWI started due to the assination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. They were killed on June 28, 1914 by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip. Ferdinand was the king of Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many countries around the world blamed Serbian government for the attack and used that to finalize the governmental dis obeisance between Serbia and Europe.
  • Russia and Serbia join force

    Because Russia supported Serbia, Austria-Hungary waited for Germany to confirm that they were joining forces. Austria-Hungary leaders feared that Russians act in the war would spark France and Great Britain to fight in the war. On July 5, 1914 Russia agreed to join Austria-Hungary.
  • Start of WWI

    Start of WWI
    WWI began on July 28, 1914. It all started with Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. The war was Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire which is the (Central power), they were against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, and Japan, they were the (Allied powers).
  • The Western Front

    The Western Front
    Germany began fighting WWI on two fronts, They invaded France through Belgium in the west and Russia in the east. On August 4, 1914 German troops crossed into Belgium territory. This was the first battle of WWI, German fought the heavily fortified city of Liege. Germany used there most powerful weapons in there arsenal, such as huge siege cannons.
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    First Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of the Marne was the French and British army's invading the German forces. This battle penetrated deep northeast into France. That battle was within 30 miles of Paris. French and British troops checked the Germans advance and planned out a counter attack. They attacked and pushed the Germans north of the Aisne River.
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    Florence joins WWI

    Florence joined the war in September 1918. She joined two months before the war. She served as a waitress in the office's at RAF Marham and also at Narborough Airfield in Norfolk, England. She was known as a service women in the war. The group she joined was called Women's Royal Air Force (WRAF).