First Year Milestones

  • Recognizes Sounds and Voices

    Month 1, May 1st-June 1st
  • Starts Holding Head Up

    Starts Holding Head Up
    Month 2, June 1st - July 1st
  • Begins to Develop Sharpened Motor Skills

    Month 3, July 1st - August 1st
  • Starts Babbling

    Month 4, August 1st - September 1st
  • Can Roll Over

    Can Roll Over
    Month 5, September 1st - October 1st
  • Starts Crawling (Video)

    Starts Crawling (Video)
    Month 6, October 1st - November 1st
  • Begins Teething

    Begins Teething
    Month 7, November 1st - December 1st
  • Can Pull Themselves to a Standing Position

    Month 8, December 1st - January 1st
  • Starts to Eat with Fingers

    Month 9, January 1st - February 1st
  • Starts Walking with Help (Vid)

    Starts Walking with Help (Vid)
    Month 10, February 1st - March 1st
  • Begins Climbing

    Begins Climbing
    Month 11, March 1st - April 1st
  • May Say a few Simple Words

    Month 12, April 1st - May 1st