Trench scene somme 1918

First World War

  • German offensive against Belgium. Russian offensive against Prussia and Hidembury defeat the Russians in Tannenbry

    German offensive against Belgium. Russian offensive against Prussia and Hidembury defeat the Russians in Tannenbry
  • The French army stopped the German advance, while the western front stagnates in a war of trenches

    The French army stopped the German advance, while the western front stagnates in a war of trenches
  • Period: to

    Murder of Francis Ferdinand archduke and his wife

  • Autria-Hungria declares war on Serbia

    Autria-Hungria declares war on Serbia
  • Period: to

    Germany declared war on Russia and France

  • Britain declares war on Germany and this invades Belgium

    Britain declares war on Germany and this invades Belgium
  • Allied offensive fruitless

    Allied offensive fruitless
  • Italy joins the allies and attacks to Austria-Hungria

    Italy joins the allies and attacks to Austria-Hungria
  • Bulgaria joins the central empires and Allied landing in Thessaloniki

    Bulgaria joins the central empires and Allied landing in Thessaloniki
  • Serbia is defeated without palliative care in the plain of Kosovo Polje

    Serbia is defeated without palliative care in the plain of Kosovo Polje
  • German offensive on Verdun

    German offensive on Verdun
  • Russia occupies Bukovina and the eastern part of Galicia, but suffers heavy casualties in the prolonged offensive

    Russia occupies Bukovina and the eastern part of Galicia, but suffers heavy casualties in the prolonged offensive
  • British and French started the offensive of the Somme

    British and French started the offensive of the Somme
  • Russia joins the allies

    Russia joins the allies
  • Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the British government coalition

    Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the British government coalition
  • The beginning of the Russian Revolution

    The beginning of the Russian Revolution
  • Germany helps Austria-Hungria in the war against Italy and expires in Caporetto and in Russia occur the October Revolution

    Germany helps Austria-Hungria in the war against Italy and expires in Caporetto and in Russia occur the October Revolution
  • Germany starts the U-boat warfare against the merchant ships

    Germany starts the U-boat warfare against the merchant ships
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    The United States declares war on Germany