First Period of the Early Middle Ages - The Early Phase 500-750 A.D.

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 750

    Middle Ages Timeline

    this timeline is for the Academic Decathlon 2012
  • 502

    King Gundobar

    King Gundobar
    Bourgundy King Gundobar delegates royal power
  • 506

    King Alarik II

    King Alarik II
    King Alarik II of Visigoten delegates Lex Romania Visigothorum out
  • 506

    Visigothic Bishop

    The bishops of Visigothic Gaul meet in the Council of Agde.
  • 506

    1st King of France

    1st King of France
    Clovis, 1st King of France, dies at about 45
  • 511

    King Clovis

    King Clovis
    Clovis, king of Salische France/founder of Merovingische
  • 512

    solar eclipse

    solar eclipse
    A solar eclipse is recorded by a monastic chronicler in Ireland.
  • 514

    Italian Pope

    Italian Pope
    Symmachus, Italian Pope (498-514), dies
  • 521

    Saint Columba

    Saint Columba
    Saint Columba, Irish Christian missionary to Scotland
  • 523

    St Hormisdas

    St Hormisdas
    St Hormisdas ends his reign as Catholic Pope
  • 523

    St John

    St John
    St John I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
  • 526

    Justinian became emperor

    Justinian became emperor, tried to revive the Roman Empire, result was 30 years of wars to oust the Ostrogoths and other Germans from Italy and North Africa,
  • 537


    Wittigis - · Gothic king from 537, besiege the Byzantine commander in Rome. A second Byzantine cut off Wittigis' communications with his capital in Ravenna. A year later, Belisarius besieged him. Sought truce in 539-40. Just prior to defeat, Wittigis appealed to the Persian Sassanian shah for help in the form of opening a second front along Byzantium's eastern borders.
  • 540


    Totila - · Wittigis' nephew, made the Italian war very hard for Romans past 540.
  • 550

    The Ostrogoths

    The Ostrogoths
    The Ostrogoths, under King Totila, conquer Rome after a long siege, by bribing the Isaurian garrison.
  • 552

    King of Ostrogoten

    Teja, king of Ostrogoten, dies in battle
  • 553

    Council of Constantinople

    Council of Constantinople
    2nd Council of Constantinople (5th ecumenical council) opens
  • 554

    Milt Governor

    Ravenna becomes seat of Byzantines milt governor in Italy
  • 561

    John III

    John III begins his reign as Catholic Pope succeeding Pelagius I
  • 562


    Sigibert - · Merovingian family member, offspring of Clothar's generation, received Austrasia in 562.
  • 563

    Hagia Sophia

    The Byzantine church Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is dedicated for the second time after being destroyed by earthquakes.
  • 570

    Birth of Islam

    Birth of Islam: Creator was the prophet Muhammad (b. ca. 570 in Mecca); a merchant, he converted to a monotheism in 610 and preached a new religion that drew on and completed Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad's message angered local officials, many of who were polytheistic; he and his followers fled to Medina in 622 (hijra and the first year of the Muslim calendar); converts found in Medina; returned to Mecca 8 yrs later captured the city. He destroyed idols in the Ka'ba, making it into a Mo
  • 574

    John III

    John III, Italian Pope (561-74), dies
  • Feb 16, 600

    Pope Gregory

    Pope Gregory the Great decreea saying "God bless You" is the correct response to a sneeze
  • Mar 3, 612

    Constantine III

    Constantine III, Byzantine Emperor
  • Aug 7, 626

    Battle at Constantinople

    Battle at Constantinople
    Battle at Constantinople: Slavic/Persians/Avarenvloot defeated
  • Feb 10, 632

    Muhamadds death

    Muhamadds death
    Muhamadds death
  • Feb 28, 632

    The Spread of Islam

    The Spread of Islam: 632-661: conquest of Persia and parts of India, the Middle East, and North Africa as far as Tripoli. 662-750, Moslems conquered Armenia, the rest of North Africa, Spain and the southern parts of France. Muslim expansion into Europe at Battle of Tours (732), but failed to take Constantinople. The conquests meant that the Moslems controlled the Mediterranean Sea and its trade routes
  • Feb 29, 632

    Arabs conquered a major Empire

    Arabs conquered a major Empire
    Arabs conquered a major Empire, which extended from the Indus River to the north African coast of the Mediterranean to Spain and southern France (632 and 732): they brought their language, their culture, and their religion to these territories, 50% of the once great Roman Empire.
  • Oct 30, 637


    Antioch surrenders to the Muslim forces under Rashidun Caliphate after the Battle of Iron bridge.
  • Feb 28, 641

    John IV

    John IV - · Western Pope who, in 641, condemned Monotheletism, the idea that Christ was of two natures, and did not have a single energy, but possessed a single will.
  • Jul 23, 645

    Yazid I

    Yazid I, Sixth caliph of Islam
  • Jan 1, 700

    Migration of the Slaves

    The Western Slavs:( from the 7th century) migrated west, and founded Kingdoms of Poland & Bohemia and they converted to Catholicism
  • Feb 28, 711


    Tariq - · Muslim general who led 711 conquest of Spain.
  • Apr 9, 715


    Constantine ends his reign as Catholic Pope
  • Mar 21, 717

    Battle of Vincy

    Battle of Vincy between Charles Martel and Ragenfrid.
  • Oct 11, 732

    Battle at Tours

    Battle at Tours: France under Karel Martel beat Moors
  • Oct 26, 740


    An earthquake strikes Constantinople, causing much damage and death.
  • Dec 25, 741


    Charlemagne, 1st Holy Roman emperor
  • Anastasius I Dikoros

    Anastasius I Dikoros
    Anastasius I Dikoros Byzantine emperor, dies
  • Start of Islamic calendar

    Start of Islamic calendar
  • Honorius I

    Honorius I ends his reign as Catholic Pope; Pope Severinus elected
  • Eastern Roman Emperor

    Eastern Roman Emperor Constans II is assassinated in his bath at Syracuse, Italy.
  • 3rd Council

    3rd Council of Constantinople (6th ecumenical council) opens
  • Constantine

    Constantine begins his reign as Catholic Pope
  • Leo IV

    Leo IV, the Khazar, Byzantine emperor
  • Guntram

    Guntram, French king in Burgundy, dies at about 67
  • Constantius II

    Constantius II, emperor of Byzantium, dies at 37
  • Church converts Barbarians

    Church converts Barbarians
    The Church undertakes a major effort to convert barbarians like Clovis (496) with the missionary work of St Boniface (?680-754) and others, asserts that the spiritual authority of the church was superior to political authority (Pope Gelasius I [r. 590-604] and the Theory of the Two Swords) and preserve learning and civilization (monastic libraries, the Book of Kells and Gregorian chant).
  • Justin

    Justin - · Eastern Emperor 518-527. Ends schism with Rome, grooms Justinian for rule.
  • Alboin

    Alboin - · Lombard king crowned in Milan in 569. By 573-4, he was able to occupy Pavia, which became the Lombard capital.