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Lillian's Timeline

  • Birthday!!!

    Baby Lillian's first day! I don;t remember being born but I do know that I was born in Tyler, TX. It's a couple hours outside of Dallas,TX. I am very proud to say that I was born in Texas. I'm not 0 sure why but I do know that it has a lot to do with how kind and genuine the people are that live there. Life long friends that are more like family.
  • First Bad Day

    First Bad Day
    The first bad day I can remember was when I was just a little thing and I had a tricycle. I was riding it lopsided because it had previousl been run over by my mom's car. My fault for not picking it up. Anyway, I couldn't control it so it ended up in a ditch. I was just mad at that point so I just sat there. Bad idea. Apparently I landed in a huge ant hill too. So I was screaming and screaming while they crawled up my legs. It didn't take my mom long to find me thank goodness.
  • Moving to AZ

    Moving to AZ
    Sadly moving our lives to Arizona so that my dad could have better business opportunities. I don't remember moving but I remember that it was very upsetting for everybody. Leaving our friends that are still so close and STILL trying to get us to move back. We are in fact moving back in about a year or so.
  • New Puppy

    New Puppy
    I remember the day my dad brought home our new baby miniature schnauzer, Guinness. Guinness was so cute and was so curious about his new surroundings. He wasn't shy at all. The first thing he did was make my mom cry when we surprised her with him. Then he decided to go in the backyard and hop through the grass.
  • Volleyball

    My first time joining club volleyball is one of my favorite life experiences. I thought I wouldn't do well at try outs but instead I had other players coming up to me telling me what a great player I was and showing them how to overhand serve the ball. They were asking me for help at try outs!! I played two great club seasons and made so many great friends.
  • Going to Belize

    Going to Belize
    Belize was absolutely beautiful. It could've done without the multiple plane rides and mosquitos but it was still a trip to remember. The weather was never too warm and never too cold. The people were helpful and nice. Snorkeling without sharks was very nice too!
  • Outward Bound

    Outward Bound
    My first outward bound trip. Hardest thing I've ever done but I've never felt so independent or accomplished in my life. Me and my group of backpackers walked 17 miles in one day. We all had a great attitude and just had such a fun time!! So worth it. This is probably my most life- changing event.
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
    Went to Portalnd, OR to go backpacking after being inspired by a photo by Peter Lik. My father was kind enough to set up the entire trip and it was INCREDIBLE. It was a four day long trip with beautiful weather and breathtaking views. We hiked a total of 45 miles. It was so amazing and such an unforgettable trip. We spent our last day in the city shopping and drinking boba. I wish I could spend my entire life like that one week.
  • My trip to Seattle, WA.

    My trip to Seattle, WA.
    Seattle, WA is my favorite place to visit. The people don't bother you (too much), it always smells like rain, there are always things to do, and you can see the space needle from anywhere. I'm perfectly happy not doing a single thing in Seattle just as long as I know I'm there.
  • Sending my Brother off

    Sending my Brother off
    Sending my brother off to the Navy is one of my favorite memories because I've never been so proud of him. He wasn't nervous at all and knew it was the right thing to do. He even inspired me to join the Coast Guard!