Fireside Timeline

  • Red, a Female Gunslinger, Robs a Bank in the Mining Town of Mount Ophi

  • Red and Her Partner Are Hunted Down by a Ranger, Who Kills The Partner

  • Red is Killed by a Bullet Through Her Heart

  • Alpha-Bias is Brought Online in a Government Research Lab

    Alpha-Bias, an Artifical Intelligence Unit and the first of it's kind, is booted up as a V1 in a United States Research Lab.
  • A Much More Advanced Alpha-Bias Befriends the Son of One of the Reasearchers

    Alpha-Bias, having gone through several upgrades, forms an attatchment with one of his researchers children, a boy named Adrian.
  • Last Day Before the Zombie Apocalypse Begins

    August 19th was the last day of normal day to day life for the entire world, as the following day would mark the rise of the undead
  • Zero Hour

    The Zombie Apocaylpse begins in New York
  • Camp Fireside Goes into Lockdown

    Do too the Zombie Apocalypse, Camp Fireside goes into lockdown, forcing the Staff and Children to remain on the premise.
  • Undead Quickly Spread Out of New York

    The undead plague is quick to spread out of New York, infecting Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusettes, and Canada
  • Brad Bosine Orders All "Sick" and Bitten Campers and Staff into the Barn

    Hearing a radio message that the plague in uncurable and the dead are highly dangerous, Brad Bosine, Director of Camp Fireside, has all the "Sick" (Zombified) and Infected people locked up in the camp's old barn, without telling anyone else why.
  • Zombies Spotted in the Entirety of North America

    Zombies are spotted in every country and state in North America
  • Infection Spreads Overseas to Europe and Africa

    The Zombie Plague is first spotted in Europe and Africa
  • Infection Spreads to South America

  • Alpha-Bias Attempts to Protect Adrian During Siege of the Pentagon

    As Undead set in on the Pentagon, Alpha-Bias attempts to protect Adrian from the undead through use of the security systems.
  • Brad, Andrew, Nick, Brandon, and Gavin Slaughter Barn Inhabitants

    Convincing his staff, except for his co-director Monica, that there is no hope for the people in the barn, Brad leads a slaughter of the inhabitants. The experience leaves the entire Camp shaken and distraught, and the Barn is sealed up with the bodies unmoved.
  • Adrian Dies

    Despite Alpha-Bias's best efforts, Adrian Dies. The A.I goes into shut down, locking itself up in the basement of the Pentagon.
  • The First Major Horde Attacks Camp Fireside

  • Stark Tek is Founded

    Stark Tek, a technolgies company, is founded by Seth Stark.
  • The Meddlers Hand Declare Seperation From Fireside

    The Meddlers Hand, a large faction of people upset with the governement of Fireside, declare their seperation and intent to start a new country. this ignites the Fireside Civil War.
  • Operation School is Founded by John Boyd

    Senator John Boyd manages to pass a proposal to supplement Firesides tiny military with rigourosuly trained and scientifically augmented child super soldiers.