The New Nation
The Whiskey Rebellion was an example on how the government was gaining power in the new nation. The rebellion showed that the government would be quick to act and had the strength to controll riots and enforce laws. -
The New Nation
The cotton gin was a revolutionary device developed by Eli Whitney which made cotton production the biggest crop in the South. The cotton gin helped cotton production be quicker and more profitable. This led to the need for more slave labor and was one of the contributors to sectionalism that caused the Civil War. -
The New Nation
Judicial Review was established in the court case Marbury v. Madison and says that the Supreme Court can declare law's constitutional or unconstitutional. Judicial Review also established a system of checks and balances, ensuring that one form of government does not over power the other or use their power unconstitutionally. -
Expansion and Reform
The Louisiana Territory was purchased from France and doubled the size of the United States. The natural resources that came with the purchase drove the US to expand westward to gain prosperity. The purchased increased the power of the US as well and has let our country grow substaintially. -
Expansion and Reform
The Monroe Doctrine was an act of nationalism that gave Americans a huge feeling of pride. This Doctrine told Europe that they could not colonize in the Western hemisphere and that the US would use all forces necessary to repel European countries. The doctrine also established that the US would not interfere with European country affairs and also asserted the United States power in the world. -
Expansion and Reform
Abolistionism was one of the major causes of the civil war and was the ultimate driving force behind ending slavery. The abolitionist movement was driven by radicals like William Lloyd Garrison who published a newspaper called The Liberator. Many abolitionists risked their own lives trying to put an end to slavery. -
The American Civil War and Reconstruction
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book depicting slavery as a horrible and disgusting institution that agitated the South. This book became hugly popular in the North and outlawed in the South and it helped spark the Civil War by causing more sectionalism and making the North hate the South. With this book, many soldiers gained motivation to fight against the South for freedom for slaves. -
The Gilded Age
The Bessemer Process, created by Henry Bessemer was a revolutionary process that changed the entire world by providing steel cheaply and much faster without lossing quality. The process alowed for the building of skyscrappers leading to the making of one of the most major cities in America, New York, by building buildings up and not out. -
The American Civil War and Reconstruction
The Emancipation Proclamation was a diplomatic document that was a stroke of genius by president Lincoln. The document made all slaves in the South free, inspired black soldiers to join the Union to fight, and gave the people a new reason to fight; freedom of slaves. Also this made other countries such as Britain not want to help the South because of the slavery that still existed, cutting the South off from any outside help. -
The American Frontier
The Homestead Act caused huge mass migration to the west and expanded the American Frontier. This Act gave 160 acers of land to anybody that could cultivate on the land for 5 years. This helped hundreds of immigrants, farmers, everday people, businessmen and former slaves move west looking for the American Dream in hopes of having prospertiy for them and future generations. -
The American Civil War and Reconstruction
The Anaconda Plan was the Norths war strategy that ultimately ended the Civil War. The Plan called for the North to blockade all southern ports, controll the Mississippi River and cut the South in half, and to use the scorched earth policy by destroying everything of importance in the South. The Anaconda Plan was essential for the Norths Victory. -
The American Frontier
The Transcontinental Railroad was extremely benifitial to the United States and changed the way we transport today. The railroad went all the way across the country allowing for traveling, migrating and better and faster shipping for business and farmers. This railroad employed thousands of workers, mainly Chinese and Irish, which also helped the gate for immigrants to the US. be opened. -
The Gilded Age
During the Gilded Age the thoery of Social Darwinism was put into play by huge unregulated businesses that wanted more money. Because of this theory, the monopolies that were commonly created would hire immigrants cheaply and with the ability to fire them knowing that another immigrant will easily except the job. With no regulations, businesses could use this practice as much as they wanted too, unlike today, where there are laws and Acts preventing companies to monopalize and run unfairly. -
The Gilded Age
The Great Strike of 1877 was the first major strike that ever occured in US History. The Strke started because the railrad company cut wages by 10% for the second time in 6 months and as a result workers went on strike and violence broke out over 14 states. This strike helped the people of the United States recognize that workers needed rights that would protect them and help them. -
The Age of Imperialism
Anglo-Saxon superiority was one of the leading causes to imperialism in America, saying that English speaking whites were superior to all other races. Anglo-Saxon superiority gave people the idea to "civilize" all the other people by conquring them and asserting their ideals onto the conqured people. This helped spread western culture all over the world and the belief that the US could save the world. -
The American Frontier
The Dawes Act was extremely detrimental Native American cultue. The act split up the reservations into farms and sent Native Americans into boarding schools that assimilated them to American culture. The schools took away the Native Americans hair, religion, cloths and even their names making the Native Americans completely absent in the American Society. -
The Age of Imperialism
The book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History was an extremely influential book during the era of imperialism in America. It said that the US would fall behind all other nations if it did not build up its navy, saying that this was the only way to become a world power and protect itself. This led to the making of the third largest navy by 1900 and helped feed into Roosevelts Big Stick Diplomacy which is using the military to intimidate other countries. -
Jacob Riis was a journalists that wrote How the Other Half Lives whcih he wrote to expose to the better off people in New York how the poor were living and how utterly disgusting the slums were. He took pictures as well and his publishings led to Americans paying attention to the sufferings of the urban poor. Efforts such as a cleaning up entire cities took place, sanatizing the streets, and providing better living conditions for the poor. -
A monumental Surpreme Court case, Plessy vs. Ferguson legalized seperation of races and enforced Jim Crow. This case let people have the ability to make seperate facilities claiming that if there were facilities for both races then it was equal, although one of the facilities would be run down, trashy, and even disgusting. The Plessy vs. Fergason case helped set the field and the attitudes that sparked the Civil Rights Movement. -
The Age of Imperialism
The Panama Canal, one of mankinds greatest achievments, connected the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. The Canal is about 51 miles long and was built through horrible jungles that killed many workers from disease making the French hand over the project to the United States.The canal was extremely expensive but it drastically increased tade and commerce and continues to effect the world. -
The Tiangle Shirtwaist Company Fire influenced the work place when a fire broke out and killed many employees. The fire that broke out was on the to floors of the company and because of the lack of safety features such as blocked doorways, no fire escapes, and no water hoses caused 146 people to lose their lives. The fire made people push for saftey regulations to be put in effect making the workplace a safer place to work in. -
The Great War
The Zimmermann Telegram was the final breaking point for the US, causing the president and congress to declare war on Germany. The Telegram that was intercepted by the US was sent to Mexico from Germany saying that if Mexico would fight the US, Germany would give Mexico Mexican lands the US possesed. The Telegram also said that Germany would continue unrestricted submarine warfare which angered the American people more, helping build nationalism and anti German views. -
The Great War
After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles was set in place to outlaw war throughout the entire world. The treaty also set up the League of Nations which was what was going to try to prevent another war, and it demanded that Germany pay war reparations. This treaty set the tone of which countries were superior and it also angered Germany, turning out to be one of the cause for the second world war. -
The Great War
Schenck vs.US was a controversial court case that limited the first ammendment by letting congress have the ability to limit free speech when the words spoken represent a clear a present danger. This court case said that when there is a national crisis like war, freedom of speech may be limited. This case paved the path for acts and bills that exist today such as the Patriot Act. -
Roarin' 20s Great Depression
The radio had, and still does have a huge impact on the United States by spreading news, communicating with people, and broadcasting music and other forms of entertainment. In the 20's, the radio helped spread jazz music along with its culture and also helped in political depates by keeping the public informed allowing them to make desecions when it came to voting time. -
Roarin' 20s Great Depression
Because of the use of radios for advertising, the use of installment plans became extremely popular in America, changing the way the country functions into a consumer society. Installment plans let people buy more expensive things and pay them off over a period of time changing the mindset of Americans to save less and spend more. The introduction of installment plans, however, proved to be a disaster to the United States, being one of the main causes of the Great Depression. -
Roarin' 20s Great Depression
The Great Depression was an unforgettable mark in Americas history due to its impact on the lives of every American citizen. Hundreds of thousands of farmers lost thier land, 25% of banks failed, 33% of people were unemployed, children had to go to work, and people had to stand in bread lines and go to soup kitchens for food. The Great Depression was one of the most horrific events in American history that will forever be a reminder of what happens with an unregulated economy. -
World War II and the Cold War
December 7th, 1941 is a day that scared the tranquility of the United States forever when Japan attacked the naval base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii killing over 2000 people. The Japanese hoped to destroy the US navy and render them weak but soon after this attack happend, America changed its economy and the things it produces over night making it one of the strongest powers in the world and pulling them out of the Great Depression. -
World War II and the Cold War
The first atomic bomb was dropped in Japan to make the Japanese surrender during World War II, killing over 75,000 people instantly and staining the land with radiation. The A-bomb made under the Manhattan Project, was the most devistating weapon made by mankind and scared many other nations that this weapon may be used to conqure them. Becaue of the extreme power the bomb displayed, the A-bomb was a leading factor in start the arms race that caused the Cold War. -
World War II and the Cold War
The Eisenhower Doctrine was based on the domino theory which said that if one country fell to communism then its neighboring nations will too. The Doctrine stated that the United States would help any or all countries in the Middle East who needed help from communism, ultimately making the US the enemy of the Soviot Union during the Cold War. -
Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
During the Cold War the Soviot Union and the United States would do hundreds of nuclear weapon tests which led to an arms race between the two countries. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US and USSR realized the danger of nuclear weapons and they agreed to sign the Test-Ban Treaty that limited the amount of nuclear weapons that were being tested. The treaty also set up a hotline to the center of the Soviot Unions government to help prevent war, improving the relations of the two countries. -
Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
The March on Washington was the largest political demonstration in US histroy, with over 200,000 people gathered in Washington to protest for civil rights. At the gathering Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous "I have a dream" speech. This march heavily boosted the support for the civil rights movement. -
Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil
The EPA was created when the government began to realize that that the environment was something worth protecting from people dumping dangerous chemical near water and polluting the air with fumes emitted from cars. Most Americans did not care about he environment and had no concept of how the world was being polluted. The EPA soon passed the Clean Air Act to regulate air pollution and the Clean Water Act to regulate water pollution. -
The United States since the Vietnam War
The Strategic Defense Initiative was an ingenius strategy by president Reagan during the Cold War to try to settle almost a half century dispute. The SDI was an acclaimed missled defense program that would use lasers to shoot dow incoming missiles to the US rendering the USSR's cash of missiles useless. This gained much speculation from critics that called it "Start Wars" not believing it was possible, which the American found out latter that it was just a bluff that made the USSR tranquil. -
The United States since the Vietnam War
The collapse of the Berlin Wall was the symbolic fall of communism and the Cold War, making democracy the dominate policy in the world. After the fall of the wall, East and West Germany united again in 1991 and the USSR broke up completely ending the cold war. -
The United States since the Vietnam War
9/11 was a horrific day that will forever change the history of the United States by the creation of things such as Homeland Security and the Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Securtiy allowed all policing agencies to be informed of terrorist activities and the Patriot Act which gave law enorcement greater power to invade on personal privacies on suspected terrorist activities. These changes after 9/11 have helped make the United States safer and more secure from terrorist threats.