Final Timeline Project

By Nucc30
  • Telegraph Invention

    Telegraph Invention
    In 1844, Samuel Morse along with other inventors created the telegraph. It was inspired by a railroad signaling system in Britain that used magnetic needles. The telegraph changed the way people communicated from long distances. It works by sending electrical currents on and off, sending messages through wires.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    This was a war between Mexico and the United States as a result of the invasion of Texas. They were in disagreement about who got to keep Texas’ land. Mexico believed the property belonged to them, and the US desired the land for themselves. In the end the treaty extended the United States by double, and Mexico's territory was split in half.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California gold rush occurred when James Marshall discovered shiny flakes of gold in a river. He did not want this discovery to be known, but soon the word got out. Suddenly, over 300,000 people rushed over to California on 3 different trails to acquire some of the gold. During the move, many people suffered from illnesses and starvation which made it hard to conquer. In the end, many people were able to become rich.
  • Woman's Suffrage

    Woman's Suffrage
    Before women's suffrage, there was a time when women didn’t have the same rights as men. The fight for women rights lasted a very long time. Finally in 1848 Women were granted the right to vote and hold positions as public authority. Many treated this bill as a joke, but others believed if men had the right women should as well.
  • Ten Percent Plan

    The ten percent plan was created by former president Abraham Lincoln. This plan was created during the Reconstruction era. The plan was set out to allow a southern state to anew into the union once the ten percent of its voters swore on oath to the union. It was to help bring more peace to everyone.
  • Reconstruction

    The reconstruction was the point of time after the Civil war that allowed people to rebuild the United States. The main objective was to resurrect the southern states back to full governmental participation. It was to help gain rights to former slaves and to help form a better relationship with African-Americans.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution in 1870 wasn’t the first time something like this happened but was more recent. During this time, More companies like factories were adapting to newer technology that allowed them to work better and smarter. It helped produce more goods and resources. Some important innovations during this time included Electricity, the production line, and better steel.
  • Telephone Invention

    Telephone Invention
    The first ever telephone was created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. During that time the invention was one of thousands ideas that were submitted through that time. The telephone was invented to allow communication to be much simpler. It changed the way the world communicated forever.
  • Lightbulb Invention

    Lightbulb Invention
    The first ever light bulb was created by Thomas Edison back in 1879. Although he wasn’t the first one that tried creating the light bulb, he was the only one who came up successful. The light bulb created a way that electricity was more useful and productive. Now when you look around there is light everywhere.
  • 16th Amendment

    The 16th amendment was created to play a role to build up the American government. It was a way to execute a nationwide income tax. This amendment was one of many created in the 20th century. It was proposed by Senator Norris Brown.
  • WWI

    World war 1 started for lots of reasons but the most important one that started it was after the assassination Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. World war one was one of the deadliest wars in history with over 16 million people dead. The war included Germany, Austria, Bulgaria fighting against Great Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. Tensions between all of the countries were brewing for years.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a point of time where a lot of people were losing their homes, jobs, and lots of money. It was the worst economic downfall in history. It was the fall of the stock market, Bank failures, and the collapse of money supply. The U.S was unemployed around 3%.
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crash of 1929 was in the mix of time with the Great Depression. It was the biggest stock crash to date. During the time before the Great depression, businesses were booming and as the stock market crashed. During the depression, Wall Street was filled with stock owners waiting to sell their stock.
  • The New Deal

    This deal was aimed to restore prosperity to Americans. This deal was proposed during the Great Depression by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt declared a 4 day holiday for banks to stop people from withdrawing money from banks that were short on money. The president recommended that people put their savings back into the bank.
  • WWII

    World War II started not that long after the first one. The second world war started after Hitler’s invasion of Poland. This war would claim more lives and abolish more land then the previous World War. This was mainly due to the rize of Nazis controlled by Hitler.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold war was an on-going feud between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was due to political, economic, and publicity fronts. May 1945 near the close of World War II, the uneasy wartime alliance between the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other began to unravel. The Americans and the British feared the permanent Soviet domination of eastern Europe and the threat of Soviet-influenced communist parties coming to power.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was one of the most talked about and most eventful assassination ever. JFK was driving in a parade next to his wife as he was shot in the head by a sniper. A few hours later, the police arrested the shooter who was Lee Harvey Oswald. On his way to his sentencing, Oswald was shot dead point blank range.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil rights act, proposed by the president John F. Kennedy, was a law passed that doesnt allow discrimination based on color, race, beliefs, or sex origin. The act helped voting rights and equal rights when it came to public schooling. After the assassination of JFK, then vice president turned president Lyndon B. Johnson pushed hard for the act to be passed. This was a tremendous push for all kinds of races and immigrants to gain equality in the United States.
  • MLK Assassination

    MLK Assassination
    On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King who was an American minister who was a leader for equality around the world, was shot dead while standing on a balcony. James Earl Ray who was an escaped convict, confessed to the murder. It was later theorized that the crime was due to “hatred.” According to close family members, Ray was a well spoken racist who didn't respect King for what he was doing helping equality in the world.
  • Roe V. Wade

    Roe V. Wade
    The Roe V. Wade case allowed women to choose what they wanted to do with their own body. The case began in 1970 when Jane Roe a fictional name used to protect the identity of the plaintiff, Norma McCorvey instituted federal action against Henry Wade, Texas, where Roe resided. The Supreme Court disagreed with Roe’s assertion of an absolute right to terminate pregnancy in any way and at any time and attempted to balance a woman’s right of privacy with a state’s interest in regulating abortion.