Justin bieber 2017907

Final Health Project

  • Birth

  • Smoking

    • Lung cancer
    • Stroke
    • Death
  • Family history

    Family history
    Heart conditions
    High blood pressure
  • Stressful event

    Stressful event
    His dad leaves him and his mother. It affected him physically because his house became dirty and his mother got into bad things. Wrote music about his dad is how he coped with it.
  • Flu

    Treat it-
    * Rest
    * Take medicine
    * Eat healthy food
    * Wash hands
    * Get flu shot
    * Dont use others stuff
  • Friend Drinking

    Friend Drinking
    • Getting caught
    • Getting hurt
    • Whats gonna happen to you
    • Getting adicted
  • Drunk Driving

    Drunk Driving
    • You dont want to have anything bad happen
    • What if you get into an accident, dont put your family through that pain.
  • puberty

    mental- wanted a better body
    mental- thought about girls more
  • Goal for health

    Goal for health
    he wants to improve his overall health, he does that by eating healthy and working out
  • Loss of someone

    Loss of someone
    Avalanna died.
    Depression- he felt sad and lonely
    Acceptance- he felt better because she was in a better place
  • Health triangle

    Health triangle
    Justin became a vegan and he struggled with the meat part of the triangle. He overcomes this by dropping the vegan act.
  • Abstinent

    * Say NO!
    * Dont be alone together
    * Dont listen to peer presure