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The Industrial Era
the industrial era is the period of time in which the united states and other countries around the world were advancing into the mordern age leaving agriculture and moving into the ctiy life. massive amounts of new inventions were being developed and as a result new laws and dengers faced. -
blue jeans
spanish american war
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The Imperialism Era
The imperialism Era is era in time where many european countries took advantage of other countries in the americas since the new world was discovered. The european countries took advantage of the new world and had colonys that misstreated the native people. The native people soon fought back and waged war agaisnt the european countries. one of the wars against the country rule of spain in 1885 was the spainish american war. Along with the help the USA the spanish colonies fought against spain. -
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The Progressive Era
the book jungle
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The Roaring Twenties
The roaring twenties was a period in the 1920's were the U.S government made the proahbiton act which banned the creation and distabution of -
proabithion act
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The Great Depression
john dilenger robbings
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World War II
world war 2 was the next major war for the world after the great war or other wise known as the first world war. It started in europe and spread to other countries after small ignored countries were being taken over by Axis leaders such as Adolf Hitler looking to restore thier own nation state by malitarism and racial purity. After the war was at the doorstep of many super power nations it was already a threat to difficult to defeat easily. Countries over the world were fighting and many died -
peral harbor
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The Cold War
The cold war was relationship between the USA and the USSR after WWII. the two super powers were at each others throats in politics and inovation. Both countries alllied itself with other supporting countries of thier own political system. The countries hated each other demonizing not only the opposing country but supporters of the opposing countries belifs in the media casusing public fear. This countiued to last for many decades causing proxy wars such as the Veitnam war. -
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The Fifties
The 1950's was a time were many americans faced the changes that came after world war 2. Many of these changes were harsh and others were an inprovment. world war 2 veterans were faced with some money and family trouble. The government made many new changes with the roads which caused peoples lives to improve. This contributed to the massive free time that teenagers had after world war 2 savings money. With the free time kids listened to rock and roll causing mischife and driving cars. -
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Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was the prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government. North Vietnanese withaid of USSR and USA aiding the South Vietnamese attempting to prevent the spread of communism. The war that many viewed as having no way to win, U.S. leaders began to lose the American public's support for the war. At the end of the war thousands of lives were lost and both countries never truly forgot. -
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Civil Rights Era
the civil rights era was a time period in which many civil rights leaders in the united states rioted and protested against jim crow laws for equal rights opposing segragation of public gatherings such as resteraunts,parks,buss and schools. these civil rights leaders most notably Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. marched to the capital giving speechs. Amoungst the most of them was the very famous "I have a dream" speech. Many people went to jail and died for what they belived but won what they saught. -
highway act
viet cong
cuban missle crisis
civil rights voting act