

  • Start of freshman year

    Civd had just started and messed up my freshman year.
    Had to sit at home and do google meets for my classes.
  • Start of Sophomore year

    Started off the year with A and B days because of covid still being around.Then when soon got back to regular school.
  • Start of junior year

    Started off slow then soon picked up the pace because of the ACT. Got good grades all year with minimal problems with other students.
  • ACT

    Did pretty well on the ACT. also started varsity on the football team.
  • Started senior year of high school

    Start of my last year in high school.
    All teachers loved me coming back.
  • Got my first scholarship to play football

    Season didnt as expected but came out of the year with good stats. Had enough effort and leadership to get a offer for my favorite sport.
  • college offers

    I want to have at least 4 more offers for any sport or academic scholarships.Want more offers to play football or wrestling.
  • Own a business

    I want to own my own business by the end of next year. A business of welding or my clothing brand.
  • Finish college with a degree

    A degree in business management. A degree in traveling welder.
  • Own my own house

    Create and build my own house. Build my family another house.
  • Create a house company

    I want to do real estate also to be able to own my own housing business.Gain major opportunities in this business.
  • Have my own family

    I want to have at least 2 kids and a wife. Also some pets to guard the house.