1 CE
Month 1
- The embryo is the size of an apple seed at the end of the month (1/4 in. long)
- Amniotic sac forms to cushion the growing embryo
- Placenta and the maternal blood supply to the placenta begin to develop
Month 2
- Embryo is now called a fetus
- Embryo is the size of kidney bean (1 in. long, 1/3 oz.)
- The neural tube is formed
- Bone starts to replace cartilage and sensory organs develop
- Heart beat is loud enought to be detected
Month 3
- Fetus is the size of lime or baseball and long as pea pod (3-4 in. long, 1 oz.)
- Kidneys are now functioning
- Hair is growing
- Tooth buds are forming
- Fetus hearing and vision are imporving -Baby has arms, hands, feet, and toes
- Can close its fists and mouth
Month 4
- The fetus is the size of an avocado (6 in. long, 4 oz.)
- Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails are formed
- Genitalia are fully developed
- Baby can suck thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces
Month 5
- The fetus is the size of banana (it has stretched throughout) (10 in. long, 1/2-1 pound)
- Lanugo, a soft fine hair, is coverng baby's shoulder, back and temples to protet baby
- Baby is developing muscle
- Can start excercising muscles, this movement is called quickening
Month 6
- Baby is the size of a mango (12 in long, 2 lbs.)
- Eyelids start to part and the eyes open
- Baby can respond to sounds by increasing heartbeat and movement
- Veins are visible
- Internal organs continue to grow and become stronger
Month 7
- Baby is the size of an eggplant (14 in long, 2-4 lbs.)
- Fat is deposited on baby
- Baby can change positions frequently
- Baby can respond to pain and light
Month 8
- Baby is the size of a pineapple (18 in long, 5 lbs)
- Brain is developing quickly
- Lungs could still be immature, but most internal systems are developed
- Baby can kick a lot more
Month 9
- Baby is the size of a watermelon (6-9 lbs and 20 or more inches)
- Uterus is almost at full capacity
- Fetus produces high amounts of hormones to stimulate contractions
- Lungs are fully developed
- Baby can blink, close eyes, turn head and grasp firmly