Fetal Development Timeline

By Kymani
  • Conception

    The sperm has reached an egg and a embryo will start to form.
  • 1st Month

    1st Month
    The egg or embryo is getting bigger. The placenta also forms in this stage. The face starts to form and blood cells. There is a heartbeat but you cant hear it.
  • 2nd Month

    The embryo is now called a fetus. The fetus is about 1 inch long and the face and arms and legs are continuing and starting to grow and develop.
  • 3rd Month

    The baby's arms, legs, hands, and fingers are fully developed. The baby can open and close its mouth and fists. The baby is about 1 inch long and the organs are also developed by the end of this month.
  • 4th Month

    The baby is now about 6 inches long. You can finally tell what the gender is. The nails, hair, and everything like that are now developed. You can finally hear the heartbeat as well. The baby can make faces, yawn, and even suck its own thumb.
  • 5th Month

    You might be able to feel your baby moving at this point. Hair starts to grow on the baby's head. The baby is about 10 inches long. They are also developing muscles and a certain type of skin,
  • 6th Month

    The baby is now about 12 inches long. Its skin is wrinkly and you can see the veins. Its able to open its eyes. They also respond to sound in this month.
  • 7th Month

    Starts to develop body fat. The baby is about 14 inches long. They can change positions a lot. The hearing is also fully developed
  • 8th Month

    The baby is still maturing and probably kicking more. The baby can now see and hear. The lungs may still be growing but majority of the organs are developed.
  • 9th Month

    This may not be the exact date that you will have your baby but its somewhat close. The baby is around 18-20 inches long. The baby's position changes to a downward position toward the pelvis to get ready for birth. The baby can do many things such as blink, move its head, grab things, etc.