Fetal Development - Child Development

  • Period: to

    Month 1

    It is the size of a pin head at about two weeks, the egg will attach to the lining of the uterus, the brain and spinal cord will start to develop along with the internal organs and the circulatory system, the heart begins to beat.
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    Month 2

    About six mm. The face, eyes, and limbs begin to appear. Bones begin to form.
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    Month 3

    About one inch long. The nostrils, mouth, lips, and eyelids begin to form, in the gums the buds begin to show up for the baby teeth. Fingers and toes are almost done forming. All of the organs are present but still need time to mature.
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    Month 4

    About three inches long and weighs once ounce. It can suck its thumbs, swallow and hiccup. It can finally move around. The facial features are more clearer.
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    Month 5

    It is about six and a half to seven inches and weighs almost four to five ounces. The hair and eyelashes start to grow. The teeth begin to develop all of the organs are maturing and the baby begins to become more active.
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    Month 6

    It is eight to ten inches long and weights about eight to twelve ounces. Underneath the skin fat deposits start to form, but the baby still looks wrinkled. Breathing movements appear.
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    Month 7

    The size is now ten to twelve inches and eights about one and a half to two pounds. Even though the baby has movement in the belly, it has periods where it is quiet and rest.
  • Period: to

    Month 8

    Now it has grown to fourteen to sixteen inches and is two to three pounds, this is the time where the baby starts to gain weight faster. The baby reacts to most noises and there are jerking actions. The baby will move down to a head down position.
  • Period: to

    Month 9

    The baby is now seventeen to eighteen inches long and now weights five to six pounds and is still gaining weight. It does not move much since there isn't much room. The skin is no longer wrinkled but smooth, the fat deposits are still continuing to grow. It starts to develop disease fighting antibiotics it gets from the mother's blood. The baby goes down to the pelvis to get ready for birth.