Week 1
The last menstrual period a women has, the last day of bleeding is considered the start of her pergnancy. -
Week 2
Endometrium thicken to form a sack to carry the embryo.Ovulation then occurs and when the sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube the egg is now fertilized and mutiplying rapidly. -
Week 3
The fertilized egg floats down to the uterus and when it becomes fertilized the gender of th baby is already picked out. -
Week 4
Implantation occurs and the egg is now a blastocyst which is a fluid cluster made up of 50 to 60 cells that are still growing in a rapid rate. This happens around day 5-8 of embryo develoment and is then it is tranfered to the uterus. -
Week 5
In week 5 the embryotic stage will begin and the embroy will grow from 2mm to 5 or 6mm in size. Then the embryo will grow into the mucous membrane of the uterus where then the placenta will grow and the developing embryo will start to recive oxygen and nutrition. -
Week 6
In the sixith week the embryo is roughly 8mm and its heart starts to beat. Also other part that start to develop are the blood vessles, cells, eyes, and the brain gegins to divide. -
Week 7
the embryo is now around 13mm and is developing many fimilar characteristics like amrs and legs, lower jaw, mouth opening,lungs and liver. Also the vocal cord and pancreas, and thyroid gland are being formed. -
Week 8
the embryo has grown to around 18mm its face had begun to take shape and its elbows, hands, and toes are visible. Aslo in week 8 the embryo teeth, nostrils, stomach develop and is starts to slightly move inside of the mom. -
week 9
The embryo has grown to measure 30 mm, the fingers and toes are now well define, and cartilage and bones begin to form.The upper lip as well as the tip og the nose have stared to tae shape while the tongue, larynx, and eyelids are developed. Also the main stucture of the heart is complete. -
week 10
From now on the embryo is known as a fetus is as big as a small strawberry and its neck is starting to take its shape while the muscels are beginnong to develop yet the movements are still not felt. The jaws mouth cavity and the nose are in place, ears and nose can be seen clearly and finger tips are now developed. -
Week 11
The fetus is around 1.5 inches and its toes have separated and its taste buds amd tooth buds begin to form and the baby can swallow and stick out their tongue. the cartilage is now calcifying to become bone. Lastly If it is a boy, testosterone is being produced by the developing testicles. -
week 12
The fetus is now about 2.5 inches in size and has begun to move randomly. The fingernails and toenails appear and its able to suck on its thumb, and get hiccups. -
week 13
The fetus has grown to about 3 inches and its movements can be slightly felt. Also its external genitalia are developing. -
week 14
If its the girl the ovaries start to move to the pelvis and if it a boy they start to develop protate glands. -
week 15
The fetus skin is thin and its muscles and bones grow. Also the fetus may be able to savor the food the mother eats. -
week 16
Fat begins to form under the skin of the baby and the face is now developing muscle. Also the fetus can now hear and recognize voices. -
week 17
The fat on the baby gives it energy and keeps it warm after birthand the bones continue to develop. -
week 18
The fetus is now 6 inches long, they can hear sounds and be starled by them too. the mvment can be felt and the skin is building a protective wax layer. -
week 19
the baby is 6.5 inches and the placenta continues to norisht the child. Also the heart beat and gentialia are distinctive. a s well hair on the scalp is starting to grow. -
week 20
Baby is around 7 inches big, can hear mom's voice, and mom will be able to feel the baby move. The Fetus finger and toe nails, body hair skin grow. -
week 21
The fetus had grown around 10.5 inches and is steadily gaining weight and fat. The bone marrow now had begun to create blood cells. also the small intestine has started to absorb sugars. -
Week 22
the fetus will now react to loud sounds, have regular sleeping and waking and even the mothers movements can wake up the baby. -
week 23
The fetus is around 11 inches and the eyebrows are visible. The bones located in the middle of the ear harden. -
week 24
The fetus will gain around 3oz a week and is around 12 inchesand its eyelids can be seen clearly. -
Week 25
The baby is around 13.5 inches and its bones are becoming solid and hands are developed. Also the brain is growing and their sexual organs are now fully developed. -
week 26
The baby is now around 14 inches and are very active in the womb and its eyes can open now. -
week 27
the fetus has grown to around 14.5 inches and its hearing continues to develop and their eyes can blink. -
Week 28
The fetus has its own sleeping pattern 2.2 pounds and is 14.5 inches also their milk teeth have developed under the gums. Fun fact! The eyes are able to move in their sockets at this time! -
Week 29
The fetus is around 15 inches long from head to heel. And in the brain billions of neurons are being developed also the muscles and lungs are continuing to mature.
Another fun fact! The fetus can taste and respond to pain. -
Week 30
The Baby measures around 16 inches and 3 pounds, their pervious wrinkled skin is becoming smoother now. The boys testicles have begun to moved down to the groin. Lastly The baby controls its own body temperature. -
Week 31
Roughly the Baby weighs 3.5 pounds and 16.5 inches and their
eyes have now completely opened and are able to respond to light and darkness. Also a loud noise near Mom can startle the baby. -
Week 32
The baby is 17 inches long and to weigh about 4 pounds, underneath their skin the fat layer is has begun to thicken . In boys, their testicles will drop from the groin down into his scrotum. -
Week 33
The baby is now around 4.4 pounds and 17.5 inches . The baby may drink about a pint of amniotic fluid a day. Half of the weight a
women gains will go directly to the baby. -
Week 34
the baby is around 18 inches long and 5.25 pounds. Fat will collect around the arms and legs as the eyes open when they're awake and closed when sleeping. -
Week 35
The baby is now 18.5 inches in length and probably weighs over 5.5 pounds. And the lungs are almost fully developed. -
Week 36
The baby is about 19 inches long and 6 pounds and its body is becoming chubby due to the fat. from this point and until birth the baby may gain about an ounce a day. -
Week 37
Typically, a baby will measure 19.5 inches long and weigh 7 pounds. The baby is ready and the mothers water can break any moment. -
Week 38
Baby is about 20 inches and weighs about 7.5 pounds and the body fat is continuing to build up, on the baby putting on about 1oz a day. The baby is ready for birth.
Most babies are born with the head first. -
Week 39
The baby is around 20 inches and weighs approximately 7.5 pounds and its reached its final birth position and is ready for birth -
Week 40
Baby is ready to come to the world! At 20inches and 7 pounds!