
federico ortiz

By troski
  • when i was born

    when i was born
    i was born the 14 of june of 2001 in Bogota.D.C Combia in the cuntry clinic.
  • Baby

    I was born 14 june 2001.when my mom was pregnend she ate 2
    hot dogs of 24 cm long.i was in the country hospital I used to drink alot of milk .One day my fhather was carry meand he waws giving me milk and I grabthe feeding botle and i throw it to the the bigest foutain in the shoping mall of hacienda santa barabara.
    My first time in an air plane was whe ni was 1 year old i went to San Andres (Colombia) with my parents .I drove a mini yacht and a golf car
  • Period: to

    my life

  • toddler

    When i was a toddler I din´t have many important events but the 31 of octuber of 2005 in midnigth my cousin of Daniel die tht was one of the events more sad in my life.In 2004 february i went the first time to miami i had 3 years old was myt first time i U.S.A.

    When i was 5 years old i was very sad because my cousin died in 2005 . I was and Luis Eduardo bully me and i had no friends .I was a very happy boy before that , but i did not worried ,i recover and overcome all my dificulties.
    when I was 6 years i was in the Bogota intenatonal air port
    el dorado my teth fell donw i was bleeding a lot and felt into a men shoe he gave it backm i was so funny it was so funy.In the 2011i had the best xpirience because i went to a summer camp in Englad.
  • teenager

    Probaly i will be an exellent student i will have many freinds and
    i will be in the student concil becuse when iam an adult i want to be a politisian and chef.
    I am complitysure i will star to study culinary in a sumer school in canada when i am 15 yers old i will one of the best one .When iam 18 years old i will be graduete from the school class 2019 .When i graduete i will go to new york city o study
    airctrft enginierging and politics whe i am more or less 20-25 i will finish my carrier.
  • adult

    I will the best chef senator of the green party .when iam 35 years old i will be the yungest president of colombia.I will have a wife and three childs .The yungest Carmen Isabel the next simon and the oldest Daaniel Alberto.threelovly children .when iam 56 i will life in Miami or New York city.
  • elderly

    I will live in Bhamas i will play golf each day i will pas time with my family and invest moneyfor giving to my grandsons my wife will be dead in 1997 -2108 and i will be dead in 2111.
    FEDERICO ORTIZ 2001-2111
  • DEAD
