I was born on April 29th ,2001 in Lawrence, Kansas. I was the first child so i was the new chapter and the beginning of my parent’s life and i got all their attention. -
I still remember the day i started going to the kindergarten, it was anticipated with great excitement and joy. Eventhough many children cried , i was extremly happy and excited to make new friends and play with them. I was a very social child who loved interacting and trying new things. I still remember how sweet my teacher was at Hilltop kindergarten , Lawrence. -
Art club
I was a very creative and smart child. I loved doing things which involved creativity and art. Soon later, i joined the art club and did everysingle art work with love. -
My birthday at the kindergarten
I always wanted to celebrate my birthday at school, and what made it very special was that i loved the kindergarten i went to and i felt it was my second house and the people were my second family. I always told my mom that i wanted a birthday party at school and on my birthday my parents surprised me by stepping into the class with a cake balloon and gifts. It was one of the best days in my life -
Big sister
I was super excited when i came to know that i will be a big sister. When my brother “Hussain” was born i completely changed. I was more responsible and caring . I also helped my mother feed him and let him sleep. When he grew up, i used to take him to the garden , take care of him and bring him back home. Everyone was surprised of how much i cared and loved my brother when i was only 5. -
Childhood friends
In 2006, our neighbor left the apartment and another family came to stay next to us. Every afternoon i used to take my brother to the backyard to play. our new neighbor’s children (Jack and Sam) used to play there too ; so we became close friends and played together everyday.We were that close that i cried when we were leaving America to come to Bahrain because i would miss them. They gave me a bracelet and told me to keep it as a memory , i still wear that bracelet and remember those days. -
First bestfriend
After coming back to Bahrain, i still continued the activities i used to do in America , for example : i still went to the playground every afternoon. At the playground , i met a lovely girl who later became my bestfriend. She was my closest friend and the best . We are still friends and its been 10 years . Infact,Sara is more like a sister❤️ -
Grade 1 - Bahrain
When i was 6 years old, we came back to Bahrain because my mother wanted to be close to her family. I went to grade 1 at Alnoor school , sitra.20 -
My dad sharing his experience
When i was a bit older, i got more curious and wanted to know more about my parents life at college etc.I asked my dad about his life and why did he choose to study in the USA at that time when everyone else stayed close to their parents and studied in an Arab country. I was surprised by the answer . My dad worked on his own and earned his own money to get the best education, he studied in the US for ten years and got his pHD from the university of Kansas. This changed the way i viewed life. -
The death of my aunt.
My aunt was my second mother , she was very loving and caring. When i was in the 9th grade, she told me she had cancer.. soon after that , her visits to the hospital increased and her situation got worse. My biggest fear was losing my aunt. Watching my aunt die a slow agonizing death changed me in a million ways..it was something i couldnt believe and i still cant believe that i will never see my aunt again