Unhealthiest fast food 2020

Fast Food’s impact on the obesity pandemic

  • Introduction

    The United States as a whole has been struggling with the idea of Obesity for many years now. Obesity is caused when there is an excess amount of body fat which can lead to future health problems. This is also known as being overweight or obese. America is struggling to keep lowering its obesity rates and it has led to an ongoing pandemic. A large factor in this is the type of food that people are consuming.
    (I have provided a longer introduction in the comment section below)
  • Mcdonalds Ad

    Mcdonalds Ad
    This is one of McDonald's first paper advertisements made in 1970. It is promoting the Big Meal which is a big mac, large fry, and a large soda.1.
    1. McDonalds. “The Big Meal. It's a Great Meal for Dinner.”
  • Dietary Guidelines

    Dietary Guidelines
    These are the first dietary guidelines that the US government has created. This detailed how the government was convincing the public to start living a healthier lifestyle. 2.
    2.Federal Government. “Nutrition and Your Health.”
  • New Mcdonalds Ad

    New Mcdonalds Ad
    This is an example of a new Mcdonald's advertisement that showed a healthy alternative to a Big Mac and fries. It is illustrating that it is possible to get a burger but substitute fries for a healthier side, like a salad. 3.
    3.Strom, Stephanie. “With Tastes Growing Healthier, McDonald's Aims to Adapt Its Menu.”
  • New Dietary Guidelines

    New Dietary Guidelines
    These are the current dietary guidelines that have been released from the US government. It was created in 2016 and it remains true through 2020. 4
    4. Federal Government. “2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans at a Glance."