The Day i Was Born
i was born from my mother, in oaklawn.the hospiyal that i was born in was crist hospital. -
8th grade choice
I think that i should take advanced tech because i love info tech it's really fun! and i get good grades in info tech. i love the projects we do. i got A's on all of them. -
goal#3 when i go to high school
The classes that i want to take, are classes that i hope to succeed in. i want many classes when i go to high school. -
Graduation Day!!!
3 goals im hoping to achieve, are to leave prairie with straight A's. to have all my goals set for the year after, and to have all my homework on time and to get no detention. -
Going to Richards
I'm going to richards high school in oaklawn. im really happy that im going there because i have alot of friends that are going there that didnt go to prairie. -
goal #4 when i go to high school
when i go to high school my goal is to meet many people, and to not be shy. bacause i like having many friends. -
goal #1 when i go to high school
my first goal is that i want to make the tennis team. tennis seems fun. my sister was in it and she said it was pretty fun. -
goal#2 when i go to high school
my second goal when i go to high school is, i hope to never fail and to get great grades -
goal #5 when i go to high school
My last goal when I go to highschool is I hope to achieve. Achieve is a strong word to me. It tells me that you can do it. -
High School Graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when I graduate high school, the obstacles i think i might face are hanging out with my friends. or doing to many fun stuff. I think those 2 obstacles will stand in my way and it might stop me from doing what im suppose to be doing. -
#1 goal for future
my goal is to get married, and have a perfect life with my husband and kids. -
College Graduation.
I hope in my college graduation my whole family will be there to support me.I'm going to feel proud of myself that I achieved what I was looking forward into. -
my Future
The school I will be going to, is Morraine Vally. I want to be a Social Worker. I will need to have a master's degree. My average salary is $42,480 per year. -
goal #2 for my future
My goal in the future is to go to Jordan, and to see all my cousins. I have'nt seen them in a long time so I want to go there with my family and husband. All my cousins are in Jordan so i am looking forward into seeing them soon. -
goal #5 for my futuer
my goal is to finish college before I get married. -
Goal #3 for my future
my goal is to hope for my family, husband, and kids. To stay healthy forever and always. -
goal#4 for my future
My goal is to have 2 boys and 2 girls, named summer, subrine, mohammad, and ryan. -
my Death
I will die when im 99 years old. on october 5.