5800 BCE
Dadiwan Culture Begins
Neolithic - Remains of millet, pigs, and dogs associated with the culture -
5400 BCE
Dadiwan Culture Ends
5000 BCE
Yangshao Culture Begins
Neolithic - Agricultural - millet, some rice
Kept pigs and dogs - rarely sheep, goats or cattle
Produced - fine white, red, and black painted pottery - with animal, human facial, or geometric designs
Did not use a pottery wheel
Non-nomadic - would not move until food production capability forced them to. -
3300 BCE
Afanasevo Culture Begins
Upper Paleolithic/Chalcolithic/Neolithic
Stone tools - Axes, arrowheads
Bone/Antler Tools - fish hooks, points
Antler cheek pieces for horses
Metallurgy - copper, silver, gold -
3000 BCE
Yangshao Culture Ends
3000 BCE
Longshan Culture Begins
Neolithic - Agricultural - Millet, Rice, and Wheat
Primary source of meat was Pig
Known as the "Black Pottery Culture" -
2500 BCE
Afanasevo Culture Ends
2000 BCE
Andronovo Culture Begins
Europoid features - light-eyed and light-haired
Chalcolithic/Bronze Age
Corded Ware Culture
Livestock - cattle, sheep, horses, goats, and camels - no pigs
Burials contained horse-cheek pieces, weapons, ceramics, and ornaments. -
1900 BCE
Longshan Culture Ends
1500 BCE
Karasuk Culture Begins
Extensive Trade Network
Europoid Features - Light-eyed and Light-haired
Practiced Metallurgy -
900 BCE
Andronovo Culture Ends
800 BCE
Tagar Culture Begins
Europoid Features - light-eyed and light-haired
Raised Livestock - horses, goats and sheep.
Bronze-smelters -
800 BCE
Karasuk Culture Ends
206 BCE
Han Dynasty Begins
200 BCE
Tagar Culture Ends
Han Dynasty Ends