Haitain Revolution
The Haitian Revolution was a very rough time. There were many battles that led to their independence such as the Battle of Vertieres which happened on November 18, 1803. Jean-Jacques Dessalines was a former slave that caused a revolution and gained independence and remained the country Haiti. Another main member of the Haitain Revolution is Toussaint Louverture. This later than lead to the end of slavery in Haiti and made it the first modern republic ruled by African-Americans. -
Latin War of Independence (South)
The Southern portion of the latin american countries also fought for their independence. José de San Martin helped fight along their side for the independence of countries such as Venezuela. -
Brazilian Independence
Brazil earned its independence on September 7, 1822. Dom Pedro claimed its independence after a conflict between Portugal and Brazilian people. -
Mexican War of Independence
When Mexico gained it independence, it was a very rough time. It went through a war in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain. Many people took a part in it such as Grito de Dolores and Costilla on September 16,1810. -
Greek Revolution
The Greece Revolution also known as The Greek War of Independence started from 1821 until 1839. The war was very successful when Greece has won it's independence from the Ottoman Empire. After their Independence was achieved, they confirmed the Treaty of Constantinople in July 1832. This whole revolution began with the fall of Constantinople, which they later signed a treaty, and then later being held under Turkish rule. The people fought for their independence, human rights and liberty. -
Latin American War of Independence (North)
The fight for independence in South America was difficult yet became easier with Simon Bolivar fighting and helping the countries. Bolívar was very helpful when fighting for the independence of Venezuela and other latin american countries. He is even said to be known as the George Washington for South America! Simon Bolivar is a military and political leader led the revolutions for independence and really believed in what he was fighting for. -
Romanticism is a period that originated in the late 17th century about the movements of arts and literature. It was a period whereas you can really express yourself and reflect it onto the art work being produced. This Romanticism, or Romantic era. rose from the creation of the Enlightenment. It started to become more advanced, kind of like a society we have now. They had a rise of nation-states, more educated people and migration to cities along with new technologies and longer life spans. -
Italian Unification
The movement for Italian Unification began around 1861 due to Congress. During this time, Congress decided to divide the territory into the Napoleonic Wars. When helping Italy gain it's independence, Giuseppe Mazzini helped a lot. He was an Italian patriot who led the movement for independence and was also a politician and activist. In the France-Prussian War, the Italian troops withdrew Mazzini's troops from Rome and later the Italians moved in and got their independence. -
German Unification
Germany's journey to receive it's independence was a rough ride. Prussia controlled the German land and they wanted to break free and gain independence. Prussia committed and tried to have Germany united. In July 1870, France declared war on Prussia, yet when they got into war, France lost and Prussia declared to a German Empire.