Newly Married Stage
I want to wait until I'm completely ready. I want to be stable with a good job.And be completely in love. During this stage I will be living on my own with my husband as we provide housing, food and clothing. We'll need to develop good communication skills and set goals and a plan for our future. -
Early Parenthood Stage
During this stage I'll be ready to have a child. I'm in that stage of my life when I'm completely ready. I would like to have a boy and a girl. During this stage we'll have to adjust to becoming a mother and a father. The tasks include caring for young children and meeting their needs. During the early years of parenting the family budget often seems stretched to the limit. There will be little alone time available. -
Later Parenthood Stage
At this stage my children will be teenagers, life is changing and they're growing up. And I'm preparing for the future. During this stage the I'll need to let go of some respinsibilities, and conflicts will arise when we don't agree. I'll still provide for my children while their off in college. -
Empty Nest Stage
By this time all of my children have left home and now i have to get used to just talking to my husband. I have more time to do the hobbies I enjoy and I am able to do the things I never got to do. During this stage I'll still be involved in my childrens lifes but much lesser. I'm hoping to still be involved with grandparenting. -
Retirement Stage
By this time I'll be ready to stop working and just focus on my own life and continue with hobbies and activies with my grandchildren and children. But I also hope to travel and see everything I've always wanted to see. During this stage I'll need to set goals and focus on myself, hobbies, voluteer work, travel and grandchildren.