History of Facs- Parker Jackson

  • 1. In 1862, the first moril act was created

    1. This was created to help federal land grant universities in the teaching of mechanical and agricultural techniques.
  • Land Grant universities were created

    These are used to teach higher education of agriculture and home education.
  • University of Arkansas

    University of Arkansas
    The first land grant university in Arkansas was founded, and is now known as the university of Arkansas.
  • Arkansas Pine Bluff was founded

    Arkansas Pine Bluff was founded
    The 2nd land grant in Arkansas, Arkansas Pine Bluff was founded
  • Ellen Swallow Richards

    Ellen Swallow Richards
    Ellen Swallow Richards was the first women admitted to MIT and completed her bachelors degree.
  • Caroline Hunt

    Caroline Hunt
    Caroline Hunt was named the first Home economics professor at Wisconsin, but due to the controversial topics of the time only had a 5 year tenure there.
  • Sports Nutrition

    Sports Nutrition
    Atwater started studying protein intake on what is believed to be the first known studies of sports nutrition.
  • Consumer Economics was born

    Consumer economics was born, otherwise known as the start of family and consumer sciences.
  • Consumer Economics

    Ellen Swallow Richards founded this, becoming the founder of what is now family and consumer sciences.
  • Martha Rensaeler

    Martha Rensaeler
    Martha rensaeler started a program for rural women who were trained in everyday tasks, eventually getting their numbers into the 20,000s.
  • Smith-lever act

    Smith-lever act
    The smith- lever act of 1914 started a federal law that gave extensive services to land grant universities, which helped inform people on the current state of home economics, among other topics.
  • The academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    The academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    In 1917, a group of women found the Academy of Nutrition and dietetics, which since has overseen the studies of food and gives out recommendations on different topics as more studies are done.
  • The Smith-Hughes act

    The Smith Hughes act of 1917 started a program to promote precollege studies of agricultural and industrial trade to rural Americans
  • The Vocational Act of 1963

    The Vocational Education Act of 1963 provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vocational-technical education programs.
  • The vocational education amendments

    The vocational education amendments shifted the focus from the jobs to the people of the previous act. There is now a 5 year program that is plan that must be submitted.
  • Modern Sports Nutrition

    Modern Sports Nutrition
    In the start of the 1970’s, modern sports nutrition was started, with an emphasis on distance runners and cyclists. This is where the start of modern sports nutrition comes from.
  • The vocational amendment

    The vocational amendment of 1973 eliminated any discrimination based on disabilities.
  • The vocational amendment of 1976

    The vocational amendment of 1976 required states to put in place programs to eliminate gender bias
  • Sports Nutrition was officially recognized as a field of study

    Sports Nutrition was officially recognized as a field of study
    In 1980, Sports nutrition was officially recognized as a field, and more widescale studies were conducted.
  • Carl D Perkins Act

    Carl D Perkins Act
    The Carl D Perkins act was started in 1984, and was used to increase the quality of technical education in the United states.