Fabian Giver Vocab

By Jack F
  • Recollection

    Definition: A memory; something remembered or recalled
    Example sentence: John then recollected that the missing key, was in his room!
    Synonym: Memory, recall, reminiscence
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Example Sentence: Morgan Freeman is a very profound person, and I want to be like him when I grow up. What a legend in this world.
    Synonym: Deep, intelligent, serious
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Example Sentence: He needed to prestige to keep his job. Boy, did he have pressure.
    Synonym: Importance
  • Sheepish

    Definition: Shy, Bashful
    Example Sentence: The new kid was sheepish, as the kids were trying to approach her.
    Synonym: Alone
  • Serenely

    Definition: Peacefully and Calmly
    Example Sentence: He is serene, it's like his touch isn't even there.
    Synonym: Gentle
  • Avert

    Definition: turn away
    Example Sentence: She averted away, as she cried. 'What did I do?' I thought.
    Synonym: Go away
  • Hasty

    Definition: hurried and rush
    Example Sentence: I needed to be hasty. "No, No, NO!" The bell rung, I was late....again.
    Synonym: Fast
  • Indolence

    Definition: laziness
    Example Sentence: He was so big, it looked like he was definitely indolene.
    Synonym: Tired
  • Unnerving

    Definition: unsettling and upsetting
    Example Sentence: The dance that he did was unnerving, to the point that people was disturbed.
    Synonym: Disturbing