Images (12)

Exposure to traditional and new media

  • Newspaper

    When I'm 4 years old, I remember that my neighbors have a selling of newspapers and I always help him to manage or organize with him . In that age I didn't read it because I don't know how to read.
  • Television CRT

    Television CRT
    In the age of 5 years old, I remember that my sister, my brother and i. We're always watch a cartoons such as mickey mouse, dragon ball and so on.
  • Academic Books

    Academic Books
    In this year, I started school in kinder. My teacher gave me an academic books. In that year, I know little bit on how to read.
  • Radio

    In this year, my mother and I. That days we're always to listening radio regarding love stories.
  • Cellphone

    In this year my father is work in the other country. He gave me an cellphone.
  • Computer

    In this year, my mother decided to have a piso computer shop. It's our first business and I don't know if it's work or not.
  • Touchscreen cellphone

    Touchscreen cellphone
    In this year my mother buy our first cellphone and it was touchscreen. I said to her that I love it.
  • Wifi

    In this year , we're first time have a wifi because we have a piso computer shop.
  • Laptop

    My father sent me a laptop in this year of 2017
  • Flat television

    Flat television
    My mother decided to buy a new big flat television which is smart television.
  • Smartphone

    In this year, we have a unexpected situation which is the corona virus which spreads all country in the world. So that our country decided to enhance community quarantine and DepEd decided to continue studying through online classes.