Exploring World War II Digitally

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  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The picture shows how many people were exterminated during the holocaust and just how vile the event was, you can see this by looking at the executions and mass graves.
  • Military Technology

    Military Technology
    This picture represents the massive amount of tanks the German army has at their disposal. This picture shows them parading the tanks at a festival in Germany. Not shown in this picture are the airplanes and other technology used throughout WWII
  • The Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War
    The spanish rebellion was a significant war for the mexican people because both sides had access to significant amounts of weaponry and reinforcements. This is shown in the picture by the airplane because that plane is working for the rebellion and not the government of Mexico.
  • Berlin Olympic Games

    Berlin Olympic Games
    The German runner giving the Nazi salute shows that many people were flocking towards Hitler and this shows the effect that Hitler has and how he has influenced his entire country.
  • The Nanking Massacre

    The Nanking Massacre
    You can see the effect of the Nanking Massacre by looking at all the dead bodies and the one alive person observing it all.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    In the pic we see the view of an undamaged Polish city from the view of a german bomber cockpit.
  • German Air Attacks

    German Air Attacks
    Large Britain areas of population and industrialization become under attack by Germany mainly by air attacks killing hundreds of thousands of Britains and large factories.
  • Global Conflicts

    Global Conflicts
    This image shows the increasing military forces/strength. As conflicts spread globally nore and more countries entered WWII
  • Total War

    Total War
    In total war, countries used everyone including women. This meant a that womens roles were expanded during the war. In this picture a woman is putting the finishing touches on a b-17 navy bomber.
  • Invasion of North Africa

    Invasion of North Africa
    The australian government sent troops to North Africa to help the Allied powers gain control.
  • D-Day

    The massive amount of American supplies and battleships coming onto the Fresh Shore at Normandy displays the power of the Allied Forces and was the beginning of the Allied Power's victory in WWII
  • Execution of Nazi Leaders

    Execution of Nazi Leaders
    The execution of Nazi Leaders displays the victory of the Allies and the defeat of Germany.
  • The Fire Bombing of Dresden

    The Fire Bombing of Dresden
    In this picture you can see just how much death, destruction, and devestaion there was following the firebombing.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Japan

    Dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Japan
    You can see just how devestating the nuke was and you can begin to realize just how close we came to a nuclear war.
  • After the War

    After the War
    The arrest of the German official represents his own defeat and the defeat of the country of Germany. This also represents the end of the war.