
  • May 3, 1000

    Leif Eriksson

    Leif Eriksson
    Lief Eriksson is a vikking explorer who set sail from greenland heading west and found vinland. he was the first to discover vinland and spent many winters setling the newly found land.hes been in greenland and vinland.
  • May 4, 1000


    Vikings are poeple who lived in Northern Eurape today is sweeden,denmar,and norway. they sailed westto build settlements in northern greenland.the first Eurapeans to set foot on North America. they wrote green lantern sagas to describe there travels.
  • May 5, 1000


    Vinland is a place that leif eriksson explored. It is a island filed with vines that was discoverd by vikings. vinland is on the coast of canada, North America. this is important because it was a base for the vikings in the winter to fish and hunt . vinland is where vikings did there sagas.
  • Aug 16, 1271

    marco polo

    marco polo
    he explored a shorter way to asia from eurape. he also made a book of his adventures in asia.he was important because he found a safer and faster way to get to asia.
  • Nov 16, 1271


    constantinople is a route to asia that marco polo made up. it is important because it is a better way to get to asia,
  • Nov 16, 1400

    prince henery

    prince henery
    prince henery is a leader of navagation school. He taught poeple to build ships,raed and make maps, and make tools. he was important becausehe made things in eurape so they could get to asia easier
  • Nov 17, 1453

    christopher colmbus

    christopher colmbus
    christopher is an explore that the queen of england sent him. they sent him to find a safer and faster way to asia.he is important because he found a new contenent . which is is NORTH AMERICA
  • Nov 17, 1457

    bartholomue dias

    bartholomue dias
    he was a member of the portugal royal court. he embarked from the river tagas below lisbou on his voyage exploration. he was important because he was an explorer that sailed to afica
  • Nov 16, 1492

    martin behiam

    martin behiam
    martin behaim is an explorer that made the globe in that time.he was important because he made the globe. (which was not right)
  • Nov 17, 1492


    guanihani is an island. it is locaed in the americas it is important because it was an island that chirtopher coumbus landed on and he found another land.
  • Nov 17, 1497

    giovanni cabato

    giovanni cabato
    cabato found a land which is a part of canada. he is important because he found a new land which is a part of NORTH AMERICA.
  • Nov 17, 1499

    vasco de gama

    vasco de gama
    vasco de gama was an explorer. he sailed around the cape of good hope to india. he was important cause he found a new route to asia. he is from portugal.
  • Nov 18, 1499

    amergo da vesscupi

    amergo da vesscupi
    amergo is an explorer. he sailed south to a place that christpher columbus had landed. he is important because he convinced there might be a passage through the new world to asia.
  • Nov 17, 1513

    vasco de balboa

    vasco de balboa
    vasco is an explorer. he explored in the mountians in north and south america. he is important because he found new land in the north coast.
  • Sep 17, 1519

    ferdinnand magelle

    ferdinnand magelle
    he lead a fleet and convinced the king to pay for the expidation.he is important because he found brazil. he is very sneaky.