
Explorations to the New World

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christoper Columbus

    Christoper Columbus
    Exploration of North AmericaChristopher Columbus first sailed the ocean hoping to find a route to India to trade for spices. He had no idea he would "discover" a New World.
  • Period: Sep 3, 1492 to Sep 3, 1513

    Spanish in America

    The Spanish in America explored the coasts of North and South America, but did not venture inland.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    In 1497 he explored the shores of Newfound land, Nova Scotia.
  • Sep 3, 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    On an expedition in search of gold, he sighted the Pacific Ocean. Balboa claimed the ocean and all of its shores for Spain which opened the way for later Spanish exploration.
  • Sep 4, 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    Juan Ponce de Leon
    In 1513, he landed on Florida's east coast near present-day St.Augustine. Since he discovered it, he got to name it which was named La Florida.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacques Cartier found the St. Lawrence River

    Jacques Cartier found the St. Lawrence River
  • May 3, 1535

    Cartier sets sail on his 2nd voyage

    Cartier sets sail on his 2nd voyage
    Cartier sails to the Iroquois village of Hachelaga which is now Montreal
  • Period: Sep 4, 1539 to Sep 4, 1543

    Hernando de Soto

    Soto explored the southeast region of North America looking for gold, a suitable site for a colony, and an overland route from Mexico to the Atlantic. He started in Florida and when he reached Mexico he had no gold nor did he find a good site for a colony.
  • Period: Sep 4, 1540 to Sep 4, 1542

    Francisco Coronado

    Coronado explored the southwest of North America for "Glory, God, and Gold." He didn't find any gold or glory but he "discovered" the Grand Canyon.
  • Sep 28, 1542

    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
    While looking for the Strait of Anian, Cabrillo was exploring the upper California coast and discovered San Diego Bay.
  • Jan 1, 1580

    English Looking for Wealth- 1580's

    English financiers and navigators grew worried that their chances for wealth and claims were fading.
  • Francis Drake & Martin Frobisher

    Francis Drake & Martin Frobisher were both navigators who wrote dedicatory poems for Geroge Peckham's 1583 account of Sr. Humphrey Gilbert's expedition to Newfoundland.
  • Period: to

    Sr. Walter Raleigh

    Sr. Walter Raleigh attempted to establish a colony near Roanoke Island on what was then the cost of Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth,
  • English Exploration

    English Exploration
    England sent 3 boats out on an expedition to Roanoke Island and established a colony that is known as the "Lost Colony".
  • John Smith

    John Smith
    John Smith was one of the leaders of the Jamestown venture. He first settled in he arrived with the group at Chesapeake Bay in April 1607 and the settlement was named Jamestown. It was the first official British North American colony.
  • Samuel De Camplain founded Quebec

    Samuel De Camplain founded Quebec
  • Beaver Wars

    Beaver Wars
    Champlain and 9 french soldier join the Huron ( Wyandot indigenous people) to attack the Iroquois 9wherre they discovered Lake Champlain
  • first dutch arival

    first dutch arival
    Henry Hudson landed on present day sandy hook, while explooring the Hudson river.
  • Dutch explorer crash

    Dutch explorer crash
    captin Adriaen Block (a Dutch explorer) crashes his ship due to a fire on board in present day Long Island.
  • Dutch seeking money

    Dutch seeking money
    In 1614, Dutch merchants realized that the "new world" has potential for profit and set up shop at fort orange.
  • Dutch settlers

    Dutch settlers
    By 1624 there are already 30 plus Dutch family's living in "New Netherland".
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    In 1626, a island that was a common site for new Dutch immigrants called "New Netherland" was bought with $24 worth of tradable goods to the native Americans that owned the island.
  • Jacques Marquette & Louis Joilet explored the Mississippi River

  • Antoine Laumet de la Mothe "Sieur de Cadillac" founded Detroir

  • Julian Dubuque founded the city of Dubuque, Iowa