Invention of the Astrolabe
The astrolabe was invented sometime in 200 BC by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus is who is credited with its invetion -
Jan 1, 1000
Leif Ericson lands in Vinland
Leif Ericson lands in Vinland later called North America in 1000 AD. He landed in Vinland after sailing off course. -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus First Voyage
Columbus went on his first voyage after the queen and king in Spian gave him supples and ships and money for the trip -
Sep 24, 1493
Columbus Second Voyage
The second voyage was to be a large scale colonizationand exporation project. Columbus was given 17 ships and over 1000 men. Included on the voyage for the first time were European domesticated animals such as, pigs, horse and cattle -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas is signed
The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed at Tordesillas, 7 June 1494. It divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal along a merdian 370 Castillian leagues. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco Da Gama reaches India
Da Gama rounded Africa's Cape of Good Hope on November 22, and continued on to India.After many stops in Africa, and problems with Muslim traders who did not what interference in their profitable trade route, da Gama Calicut, reached India on May 20, 1498 -
May 30, 1498
Columbus Third Voyage
Columbus reported to the crown upon his return from the New World. He was dismayed to learn that his patrons, Ferdinand and Isabella, would not allow the take of slaves in the newly discovered lands. As he had foundlittle gold and precious commodites for which to trade, he had been counting on selling native slaves to make his voyage lucrative -
May 11, 1509
Columbus Fourth Voyage
Columbus set out on his fourth and final voyage to the New World. He had four ships and his mission was to explore uncharted areas west of the Caribbean, hopefully finding a passage west to the Orient. Columbus did explore part of Central America, but his ships, damaged by a hurricane and termites fell apart while he was exploring -
Sep 1, 1519
Magellan's Crew circumnavigates the world
Magellan was killed in the Philippines, but 200 crew members continued on to circumnavigate the globe -
Henry Hudson sailed up the Hudson
Henry Hudson and his crew sailed into the river that would one day bear his name on September 3, 1609. Henry Hudson and his crew aboard the Half Moon sailed into the majestic river off the Atlantic coast by chance. Strong head winds and storms forced them to abondon the northeast voyage they had been assigned. Rather than return to Holland with nothing to report, the crew voted on looking for the Northwest Passage instead found the Hundson River.