
Exploration Timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    They Set Sail

    They Set Sail
    Columbus set sail for the west with three small ships.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    They found land!!!

    They found land!!!
    After many months of sailing, and with many things running low, they finally spotted land.
  • Oct 14, 1492

    Christopher Cloumbus reaches the Carribean

    Christopher Cloumbus reaches the Carribean
  • Jan 19, 1497

    There goes Da Gama.

    There goes Da Gama.
    He set sail, leading four ships around rge Cape of Good Hope.
  • Nov 19, 1497

    Damn, that was a long voyage.

    Damn, that was a long voyage.
    After a ten month sail, Da Gama reached the great spice port of Calicut, on the west coast of India.
  • Jan 19, 1502

    Da Gama got mean

    Da Gama got mean
    He got greedy and wanted to get more money. He forced a treaty on the ruler of Calicut. Then he left to find more money, and riches.
  • Jan 19, 1514

    Portuguese Ships.

    Portuguese ships reached China from their base in Malacca.
  • Sep 20, 1519

    There goes Ferdinand.

    Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain with five ships to find a way to reach the Pacific.
  • Nov 19, 1520

    Magellan entered a bay!

    Magellan's ships entered a bay at the southeren tip of South America. This led the way to finding the passage that was later called the Strait of Magellan.
  • Jan 19, 1521

    There he goes again.

    There he goes again.
    Magellan had claimed the archipelago for Spain in 1521.
  • Sep 8, 1522

    Finally they made it!

    After nearly three years of sailing, the survivors- one ship and 18 sailors- finally reached Spain.
  • Europeans wrote.

    A European visitor described Chinese artisians "cleverly making devices out of gold, silver, and other metals".
  • Dutch and Amsterdam

    A Dutch fleet returned to Amsterdam from Asia after a year's absence.
  • The making of the DEIC

    A group of weathy merchants formed the Dutch East India Company.
  • Dutch captures! OH MY!

    The Dutch captured Malacca from the Portuguese and opened trade with China.