May 18, 1457
Henry The Naviagator
europeans began to look for ways to get around Venice's hold on spice trade. Henry the Naigator urged for sea captains to explore southward on the coast of Africa. He wonted to find a route around that continent to the spice islands near India -
Apr 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Thought Asia could be reached by sailing west from europe -
Jul 25, 1492
Ferdinand And Isabella
Columbus persuaded the king and queen of spain to support the expedition -
Feb 22, 1497
John Cabot
King Henry VII sent cabot on a voyage -
May 7, 1498
Vasco Da Gama
Portuguease explorer found the route around that contenent to the spice islands near india -
Aug 11, 1508
Juan Ponce De Leon
He explored and settled the island of Puerto Rico -
Nov 4, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazano
King Francis I of france sent this Italian navigator westerward