
By holliel
  • Sep 3, 1453

    Henry the Navagator

    He urged sea captains to explore southward along the east coast of Africa.
  • Sep 2, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    In 1492 Columbbus led his first expedition westward. He landed in the Bahamas.
  • Sep 2, 1495

    Ferdinand and Isabella

    Columbus preusauded the king and queen of Spain to an expidition. He gave the king and queen credit for this idea.
  • Sep 2, 1497

    Vasco Da Gama

    In 1497 Vaso Da Gama sailed all the way to India.
  • Sep 3, 1497

    John Cabot

    In 1497 King Henry VII sent Cabot on a voyage to the West. The English thought that there might be a water route through the Americas that would lead west to Asia.
  • Nov 6, 1508

    Juan Ponce de Leon

    He explored and settled the island of Puerto Rico. Then he explored Florida's east coast ang keys in 1513.
  • Sep 3, 1520

    Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon

    He wanted to plant a strong colony for Spain to along the coast of Florida.
  • Sep 3, 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazano

    Verrazzano first reached land at North Carolina's Outer Banks.
  • Sep 3, 1539

    Hernando de Soto

    He sailed with a military expeidition from Havana, Cuba to the west coast of Florida. From there, his soldiers marched northward to a site near present-day Tallahassee, Florida. They spent the winter there. In Spring, they crossed into Georgia and South Carolina and passed through the western tip of North Carolina. De Soto and his men were the first Europeans to see these regions. They met Cherokee indians who treated them with geneorosity. De Soto died on the trip.
  • Sep 3, 1562

    Jean Ribault

    France sent a colony to the New World under Ribaults command.
  • Sep 3, 1564

    Rene de Laudonniere

    A band of Huguenots, led by Laudonniere, settled at Fort Caroline, on the north Florida coast.
  • Sep 3, 1565

    Pedro Menendez de Aviles

    Spain sent troops under his command to Florida. He built a fort at St. Augustine. He captured Fort Caroline and killed most of the French Defenders. In the following years he built forts throughout Florida to streaghten Spain's grips.
  • Mar 15, 1566

    Juan Pardo and Hernando Boyano

    They led a small group of men to the South Carolina coast. They went nearly the same route tht de Soto had taken. They built a fort in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
  • Sep 3, 1566

    Pedro de Coronas

    He marked the landing at Currituck Inlet by Placing a wooden cross on the shore.