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    Sinking of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS MAINE near Havana Cuba, three quarters of the crew died.
    People involved: navy , McKinley, George w. Mclvibe
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    Spanish American war

    US declared war in Spain after the explosion of USS Maine
    People involved: us navy, Spain troops
    Impact on foreign policy: results of us intervention in Cuban war of independence
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    Open door policy

    This was a policy that said that all nations are able to trade with China.
    People involved: John Hays Europeans
    Impact on foreign policy : dispatched major European powers, and more resources Fr all nations
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    Roosevelt corollary

    A statement which president Roosevelt wrote,basically saying that corollary is going to be gentle, but if anything is to be tried he would have the US navy to use against them as a weapon.
    People involved: president Roosevelt and US navy
    Impact on foreign policy
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    Dollar diplomacy

    President Taft encouraged us bankers to give loans to the Caribbean countries. If one time a country wasn't able to repay loans the US would send troops.