Expansion West 

  • Tensions between Texas and Mexico

    Tensions between Texas and Mexico
    Mexico was migrating into Texas but many Texans didn't like that so Haden Edwards led and Battled against Stephen Austin's group of men
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    First military engagement of the Texas Revolutions. Between Texan settlers andMexican army soldiers.
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    Texan soldiers attacked Mexican soldiers at a port near the Mexican Texas settlements.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    Sam Houston led 6000 men to put down the rebellion when Santa Anna's forces arrives at San Antonio they found 180 Texas rebels holed up in an abandoned catholic mission.
  • Declared Independence

    Declared Independence
    Texas Declares Independence from Mexico. was signed at Washington On The Brazos.
  • The Repulican of Texas

    The Repulican of Texas
    Independent sovereign country in North America
  • Battle of San Janinto and the Treaty of Velasco

    Battle of San Janinto and the Treaty of Velasco
    There were two treaties sighed after the defeat of the Mexican forces at the battle of San Janinto.
  • Texan Annexation

    Texan Annexation
    The Mexican American War that lasted 3 years, under US President James K.Polk.