Jan 1, 632
Muhammad died
Muhammad's death lead to a huge debate on who should now be succesor. Since their were about 100,000 people, thye needed a leader. -
Jan 1, 633
Abu Bakr became leader, Riddah War
Abu Bakr was decided to be the new Caliph, but then he had to convince everyone to stay muslim. When he started to do this action by force, he began the Riddah wars. -
Jan 1, 634
Abu Bakr Died
In this war that he declared, Abu Bakr died. -
Period: Jan 1, 634 to Jan 1, 644
Umar's Rule
Umar was the second of the rightly guided caliphs, and was a great conquerer. -
Nov 12, 634
Abu Bakr Declared war on the Byzantines
Abu Bakr was trying to conquer the Byzantine Empire, so his best idea was to fight them. -
Period: Jan 1, 644 to Jan 1, 656
Uthman's rule
Uthman is the third rightly guided caliph. -
Jan 1, 651
A small Umayyad conversion
In the Umayyad Dynasty, about 10% of the non muslims converted. -
Jan 1, 652
The Finishing of the Book
Umar and Uthman both worked to finish this book, which strengthened the Muslim faith and made the religion stronger. -
Period: Nov 12, 656 to Nov 12, 661
Ali's Rule
Ali is the fourth rightlu guided caliph. -
Jan 1, 661
Ali's Death
Ali was the second caliph to be assasinated, after Uthman.