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Expansion in Texas

  • Stephen Austin

    Stephen Austin
    Stephen Austin led the first of many american settlers to the Brazas River.
  • Land Grants

    Land Grants
    Mexico offered texas a land grant many times. They offered agents called empresarios.
  • Texas Old Three Hundred

    Texas Old Three Hundred
    Austin offered 297 land grants. He offered expensive farmland or thousands of acres for stock grazing.
  • Mexico's efforts to seal its borders

    Mexico's efforts to seal its borders
    Mexico locked a good amount of officers to police it's borders .
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    After Santa Anna revoked local powers in texas and other mexican states
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    It was the fight for getting Texas from Mexico. Americans who occupied the Alamo was under seige from the Mexican force.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Sam Houston and the Texas army defeats Santa Anna's troops.This Win is the one they needed to get their independence
  • Houston as President

    Houston as President
    Almost immediatly as Texas formed, Sam Houston became the first president of Texas.
  • 2nd Skirmish of the Texan Revolution.

    2nd Skirmish of the Texan Revolution.
    Rebellious Texas settlers attacked the Mexican Army soldiers garrisoned at Presdio La Bahia.
  • Texas Joins the Union

    Texas Joins the Union
    Texas becomes the 28th state of the United States