Evolution of the IDT field

  • Founding of the first instructional museum

    This first opened in St. Louis where the museum was used for visual instruction
  • Motion media projector introduced

    Projectors were introduced for instructional media
  • Edison comments on projectors

    Thomas Edison felt the motion media projector would soon make books obsolete for instructional use
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    Edison's prediction did not come to fruition

    Although the projector did gain usage, books became far from obsolete
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    Definition of IDT in the 1920s focuses on visuals

    For instructional media and technology during this time period, instruction was focused mainly on visuals because this was the most popular media for the time period.
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    THE definition shifts to audiovisual

    With advancements in technology, the IDT field shifted their definition of instruction with the use of audiovisual materials such as sound recordings, radio broadcasts and films.
  • Merging of three top visual instruction organizations

    These three organizations consolidated and created a new leadership for the movement
  • "Visualizing the curriculum" was published

    Visual instruction textbooks were being published which gained more support and exposure for the movement
  • Psychologists and educators help the military

    The military used the help of psychologists and educators to conduct research and surveys on how to best train soldiers
  • The Division of visual aids for war training was created

    The US created this organization to produce training films for US soldiers
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    Military training videos

    Training videos were created to help train the US military for combat in WWII
  • The cone of experience

    Edgar Dale elaborated on processes key to the movement of visual instruction and laid out how to present instruction more concretely
  • IBM introduces computer aided instruction

    Researchers at IBM studied computers and their use in how to aid in instruction which later developed to be used in public schools
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    Ford invests in education

    The ford foundation invested about $170 million dollars in educational television in which the channels were used for instruction and teaching
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    The field definiion shifts ton a process outlook

    Members of the field now look at technology as a way to apply the instructional design process. You use the technology and apply it within a process to make it instructional design.
  • Educational television

    The US set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes
  • The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching

    B. F. Skinner wrote this article which included ways to increase human learning and find out which characteristics were desirable for instruction
  • Sputnik causes a math and science investment

    When the Soviets launched Sputnik the US invested millions into math and science education to try and keep pace with the soviets and their space program
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    Instructional materials and their processes are becoming more concrete

    During this time period concepts were developed for systematically designing instructional materials
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    Silvern creates Instructional design models

    While working for the military, Silvern created many complex and detailed instructional design models used for military and aerospace purposes
  • Preparing Objectives for programmed instruction was published

    Robert Mager wrote this book to write objectives that describe desired learner behaviors
  • First definition by the professional organization was introduced.

    This definition of the field was released and stated that this was the design and use of messages to control the learning process
  • The Consditions of Leaarning was published

    Gagne wrote this book to explain five different learning outcomes and how they each require different conditions to be met.
  • ADDIE model is created

    The ADDIE model was created and used by instructional designers
  • The commisions report releases a new definition

    This definition was two-parted. The first was focused on the development of technology used within the field but then broke up into saying that it is use of this technology in a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the entire learning process.
  • US military adopts instructional design

    Many branches of the US military adopted instructional design models in order to guide the development of training materials
  • The 1977 definition

    The new definition released was that educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning
  • Computers have increased for instructional usage

    Altogether 40% of elementary schools and 75 % of secondary schools now have implemented computer usage within their curriculum
  • Constructivist views of teaching and learning

    These views grew more important in the field. They had to do with creating more authentic learning tasks that were more realistic.
  • The 1994 definition

    This definition stated instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.
  • Curvilinear depiction of Instructional design is created

    Branch created a diagram showing the curvilinear process for instructional design
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    Technology and the internet start to take over

    During the twenty-first century the use of the internet as a means for instruction has grown quite a bit. Formal trainings have now slowed down and informal training is now seen more regularly within improving workplace performance.
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    Increase in online classes

    Online instruction is starting to take off. During this period online classes in higher learning institutions have increased from 10% to 32%
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    Businesses are using more technology for trainings

    The trainings in the business sector start to move more towards a media base. They started this timespan at 26% and rose to 41%
  • Latest AECT definition

    Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
  • SAM model comes along to replace ADDIE

    The ADDIE model had become outdated therefore a new model, the supportive approximation model, came along
  • Instructional design process is depicted in a linear way

    Dick, Carey, and Carey created a linear model for instructional design
  • Textbook definition by Reiser and Dempsey part 2

    Professionals in the field instructional design and technology often use systematic instructional design procedures and employ instructional media to accomplish their goals. Moreover, in recent years, they have paid increasing attention to non-instructional solutions to some performance problems. Research and theory related to each of the aforementioned areas is also an important part of the field.
  • Textbook definition from Reiser and Dempsey part 1

    The field of instructional design and technology (also known as instructional technology) encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design, development, implementation, evaluation and management of instructional and non-instructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of settings, particularly educational institutions and the workplace.