Evolution Of Robots

  • 1495

    First robot sketch

    First robot sketch
    The first robot sketch was made by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Robot duck

    Robot duck
    There were many robotic animals made in the 1700-1900 but one of the most famous ones is the robotic duck. It was made by Canard Digérateur.
  • First Conveyor Belt

    First Conveyor Belt
    The first conveyor belt was made in the 1900's by Henry Ford. It was strong.
  • R.U.R

    R.U.R was made in the 1900's by Karel Čapek. R.U.R could move but very little.
  • Lilliput

    Lilliput was the first robot toy. He was made in Japan after
    World War II. He was 15cm tall.
  • The laws of robotics

    The laws of robotics
    Isaac Asimov made the laws of robotics in 1941. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    1. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    1. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second La
  • Dante II

    Dante II
    Dante II was made by Carnegie University. I can Successfully descend to Mt. Spur
  • The test of the law of robotics

    The test of the law of robotics
    Alan Turing proposes a test to determine if a machine truly has the power to think for itself. To pass the test a machine must be indistinguishable from a human during conversation. It has become known as the ‘Turing Test’.
  • The First Robotic Arm

    The First Robotic Arm
    The first robotic arm was made by George Devol and Joe Engleberger.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the first robot to go into space. Sputnik was made by NASA. He was made in 1900
  • First Robocup

    First Robocup
    The first RoboCup was in the 1990s. Robocup is a soccer game for robots.
  • First Robotic innovation system by LEGO

    First Robotic innovation system by LEGO
    The first ever LEGO robotics innovation system was in the 1990s
  • Sony AIBO

    Sony AIBO
    First robotic dog made by Sony. It was made for entertainment, and still entertains.

    ASIMO was made by Honda, ASIMO can make food, clean the house, pour you a drink, etc. ASIMO is an advanced humanoid robot.
  • Epson drone

    Epson drone
    The Epson drone was the first drone to be invented. The Epson drone was also the smallest know robot.
  • Self replicating robots

    Self replicating robots
    Researchers at Cornell University built the first self-replicating robot. Each ‘robot’ is made up of a small tower of computerized cubes which link together through the use of magnets
  • Pleo

    Pleo is a robotic dinosaur. Pleo still entertains people.
  • Roomba

    Roomba is the freest robotic vacuum. Roomba was made by irobot
  • Boston Dynamics Military Use Robot

    Boston Dynamics Military Use Robot
    Boston Dynamics made a military use robot that can carry 390 pounds. It is 3 feet long.
  • The Anything Robot

    The Anything Robot
    The Anything Robot is a robot that is describd as a skype camera with a stck attached, but tons of help.
  • Murata Girl and Murata Boy

    Murata Girl and Murata Boy
    Murata girl is a humanoid robot that rides a unicycle. Murata boy is like the Murata girl exept he rides a bicycle.
  • Boston Dynamics Cheetah

    Boston Dynamics Cheetah
    Boston dynamics made the fastest running robot named cheetah.
  • Bo and Yana

    Bo and Yana
    Wonder workshop made Bo and Yana. The two robots dance, play songs and pick up toys from the floor
  • Pepper

    Pepper was made by Softbanck and can detect emotion. It is like a humanoid, but it is human controlled.
  • Meccanoid

    Meccanoid was made by Meccano. He can teach you stuff and you can teach him stuff. You can also play games with him. He is 4" 0'
  • Sophia

    Sophia is a social humanoid robot. Sophia can show over 70 facial expressions. She was the first-ever robot citizen. She is still changing, they are making her better.
  • Sony AIBO gets better

    Sony AIBO gets better
    Sony aibo is a robotic dog made by Sony, each and everyone would have their own personalities and grow closer to their owner.
  • Robomart

    Robomart is in California. Robomart delivers the food that you order right to your house, going 25 miles per hour.
  • Peeqo

    Peeqo is a Gif robot. He was made ton and keeps you entertained throughout the whole day.