The University of Phoenix is founded to offer flexible higher education options for adults.
The first completely online curriculum is introduced by CalCampus
California Virtual University offers more than 1,000 courses online among various California colleges.
Blackboard and eCollege are introduced as educational tools for online learning.
WebCT (Web Course Tools), another content management system, had more than 6 million student users at more than 1300 institutions in 55 countries.
YouTube launched, and by 2009, YouTube EDU offered thousands of free lectures online.
iTunes U began offering lectures for download.
Khan Academy is launched, connecting online students to online, transferrable college courses
The for-profit institution Udacity began offering massive open online courses (MOOCs). MIT and Harvard followed with MOOC platform edX. The University of Wisconsin's Flexible Option began offering competency-based bachelor's degrees.
The first online-only public university in the United States, UF Online, was announced for launch in 2014.