Media 4

Evolution of Media

  • 3500 BCE

    Pre-Industrial Age​

    Pre-Industrial Age​
    Prehistoric media are media that predates recorded history.​ pre industrial age provides a deep window into the creative, social, and utilitarian activities of the earliest humans. We learn about the beginnings of human expression and creativity by studying cave paintings and the making of tools and objects. it also deepens our comprehension of the fundamental principles that underpin contemporary media and communication.
  • Industrial Age​

    Industrial Age​
    The Industrial Age was a historic time marked by great social change, advances in technology, and a variety of complex problems. Given that the relationship between industrial and societal growth created the conditions for modern economies and social structures, it is critical to acknowledge that the legacies of this historical period continue to be crucial to comprehending the modern world.
  • Electronic Age

    Electronic Age
    This period is defined by the widespread use of gadgets like computers, cellphones, and digital communication tools, as well as the significant shifts in daily living, information sharing, and social relationships. The way people interact, communicate, and connect with each other has been greatly altered by the electronic age, which has also propelled society into a new era where information is accessible and flows at never before seen speeds.
  • Information Age​

    Information Age​
    The widespread use of laptops in homes and offices has made it possible for people to access huge amounts of information at a previously unimaginable speed, allowing them to acquire, process, and share knowledge at a rate never before possible . This change has far-reaching effects on numerous areas of life, including social interaction, business, and education, ultimately changing the face of the human experience significantly.